전승의 영웅왕 마르스/대사


My name is Marth. For what reason and for whom do you fight? I'd like to understand your ideas of justice.ぼくはマルス。君たちは何のために、誰のために戦う?君の信じる正義を教えて欲しい。

The seven kingdoms of Archanea are uniting... And the people say I should be entrusted with them all.アカネイア大陸の七つの王国は一つになろうとしている…そして、みんなはぼくに全てを託すというんだ。
The darkness of war that once enveloped Archanea has reached this world... I can feel it.アカネイア大陸を戦乱に巻き込んだ闇の力を、この世界でも感じるよ。
Please, do not worry for my sake. I may not quite look it, but I have seen my fair share of conflict.
You should get some rest yourself, however.
This? Oh, it's a medicinal drink Caeda made for me. It's...just a little too sweet...これかい?シーダがよく用意してくれた薬湯だよ。…ちょっと甘すぎたかも。
Why do you risk your life to fight for this kingdom? Heh, don't look so grim at receiving such a question.
I simply wish to hear your true answer.

친구 방문

Hail and well met! I have heard very good things about you from your friend [Friend].こんにちは、会えて嬉しいよ。[フレンド]が君のことをほめていたよ。

레벨 업

In pursuit of victory!この戦いに勝利を!
Good... Now I just have to keep it up!よし!この調子で突破しよう!
Could this be the work of the dark presence I sense?なぜだろう。闇の気配を感じる…


If we combine our strengths, we shall not fall to the enemy!ぼくらが力を合わせれば、どんな敵にも負けることはないさ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Ever since people began referring to me as Hero-King, I've been pondering the true meaning of justice.
Victory births the defeated, and the defeated vow vengeance through clenched teeth.
This means history is forever doomed to repeat itself.
My father struck down, my country seized... I, too, have seen losses, so I can empathize.
After fleeing to safety, I swore to restore my homeland with the help of my comrades.
It was Nyna who entrusted me with the Fire Emblem...and it strengthened my resolve to fight on.
I no longer fought for vengeance... I fought for the people.
I found victory only because I had first found so many allies who shared my new sense of justice.
They lent me their strength, and we fought as one.
And now, I have come to believe that you share that same sense of justice.
Let us continue to fight as one, [Summoner].





오의 발동

We fight together!みんなと共に!
I refuse to yield!あきらめない!
To the end!最後まで!
Shine, Falchion!ファルシオン!


Forgive me, friends...みんな…すまない…


I'm Marth, Prince of Altea.ぼくはマルス。アリティアの王子だ。
Has something gotten into you?わっ! どうしたんだい急に?
Legendary Hero? Please, I've done nothing so grand as to earn such a title.伝承の英雄…そう呼ばれるのは不思議な気分だよ。
I can accomplish nothing on my own. It's thanks to my friends I've come as far as I have.ぼく一人では何もできない。仲間がいてくれるからこそだよ。
My hope is for people of all worlds to live happily.どの世界でも、人々が幸せに暮らせるように…
If I'm not dependable, everyone else will suffer for it.ぼくが頼りないと、みんなに辛い思いをさせてしまう…
As a friend, you are irreplaceable. I will protect you.きみを守らせてほしい。きみはぼくにとって、かけがえのない人だから。

아군 턴 터치

What's my move?どうしようか?

캐릭터 페이지로