시작의 문장사 마르스/대사


I am Emblem Marth. It was a shock to be called to this new world, but you have my faith and my support.僕は紋章士マルス。異界に顕現されるとは驚いたよ。喚ばれたからには、最後まで力となろう。

I thought I would never be reunited with my allies from Archanea. I missed them so.アカネイア大陸の仲間たちの顔を、再び見られるとは思わなかったよ。懐かしいな…皆、あの時のままだ。
In Elyos, I joined with the Divine Dragon. As long as we are called to bring peace, that is what we will do.エレオス大陸では神竜と共にいたんだ。彼らが正しき力で僕らを繋ぎ止める限り、紋章士は平和のために在ることができる。
I have persisted as an Emblem for many an age. I am much older than I appear...like a manakete!僕は紋章士として数千年の時を経ている。見た目よりは歳を取っているんだよ、マムクートたちのようにね。
As an Emblem, I am not accustomed to being corporeal. I can fight as a Hero here—and even eat!紋章士は実体を持たない筈だけれど、ここでは他の英雄と同じように戦える。久しぶりに、食事もできるようだね。
Whenever I spy a Hero wearing a ring, I get the urge to follow them... It's only natural, I suppose.指輪をしている英雄を見ると、つい傍に行きたくなるよ。あれは、僕の宿っていた指輪ではないのに。

친구 방문

I come bearing a greeting. Please, continue to support your friend [Friend].やあ、挨拶を届けに来たよ。君の存在は[フレンド]の支えなんだ。どうかこれからも共に。

레벨 업

Excellent results. To bring aid to all, I must grow stronger.良い成果だ。もっと強くなって、皆の力に。
I feel my power as an Emblem increasing.紋章士としての力が高まっているのを感じるよ。
Sometimes, I wish to grow stronger, but it is not to be. I won't let that stop me.力を望んでも、得られない時はある。諦めずに進もう。


As you wish, I shall grow stronger still. I intend to fulfill your expectations.望み通り、強くなってみせるさ。君の想いに応えたいんだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

You showed strong leadership today. As you could summon me despite not being a dragon, I'm unsurprised.
But, [Summoner]...
Bear in mind that our very natures as Emblems change depending on the intentions of our partner.
Our power is meant to be used to protect those who need protecting, not to wage wars of aggression.
I think you know this well. And so I have come to trust you, and I will stay by your side till the very end.
I would like you to wear my ring one day as well. Promise me—when that day comes, you will engage with me!





오의 발동

Lodestar Rush!スターラッシュ!
I will guide you.紋章の導きだ!
One shining strike!輝く一撃を!
An Emblem's strength!紋章士として!


I cannot disappear...消える…わけには…


I hope to form an unshakable bond with you.君とは特別な絆を結べるといいな。
Oh, I see. I can be touched in this world.わ…っ! そうか、ここでは君たちは、僕に触れることができるんだね。
The original Marth dwells in this land as a Hero? An odd circumstance.この地には、僕の元になった英雄がいるのか。不思議な気分だよ。
Do I resemble the Marth you know at all? Or is he truly different?僕は、君の知るマルスと似ているかい? それとも、全く違うかい?
There was once an invocation to summon me. Imagine calling out "Shine on, Emblem of Beginnings!"『星炎(かがや)け、始まりの紋章士(エムブレム)』 それが僕を顕現する呪文なんだ。
If I can fight at your side once more, Alear, I hope we are never again parted.リュール…また共に戦えるのなら、今度は消えずに、ずっと隣に…
If we had my Emblem Ring, I could grant you my power. And were you then to call out "Emblem, engage!" we would be as one.紋章士の指輪があれば、僕の力を君に与えられるんだ。「エムブレム・エンゲージ」 そう唱えれば、一心同体だよ。

아군 턴 터치

I will be your strength.僕が力に
By your side. Always.傍にいる

캐릭터 페이지로