빛의 왕자 마르스/대사


I am Marth, prince of Altea. I can see from the look in your eye that your resolve is unmatched.
I will aid you in your campaign for peace.

No weapon, divine or not, offers more comfort than the presence of one's companions.どんな武器や神器よりも心強いもの…それが仲間の存在なんだ。ぼくはそう思うよ。
I can remember the day I began to stand up for peace in Altea as if it occurred yesterday.アリティアの平和を願って立ち上がったあの日のことは…昨日のように思い出せるよ。
If I am to don this garb, I must approach battle in a way that will honor the legend of Anri.この装束に袖を通す以上英雄アンリに恥じない戦いぶりを見せないとね。
There are many relics known as the Fire Emblem across the different worlds... Could this be coincidence?炎の紋章と呼ばれる存在はさまざまな異界に存在している…これは偶然なのだろうか?
I've been saved by Caeda's kindness countless times. She is irreplaceable. I could not do without her.シーダの優しさにぼくは何度も助けられた。かけがえのない大切な存在なんだ。

친구 방문

I am Marth, prince of Altea. I come bearing a symbol of your lasting bond with [Friend].ぼくはアリティアの王子、マルス。[フレンド]から変わらぬ絆の証を届けにきたよ。

레벨 업

My companions push me onward. They are what keep me going.仲間たちが、ぼくの背中を押してくれる。だから、ぼくは前に進めるんだ。
If bringing the battle to an end will take us closer to peace, I will waste no time hesitating.この戦いの先に平和があるならぼくは歩みを止めない。
If my sister were to see me like this, I would never forgive myself.こんな不甲斐ないところは姉上には見せられないな…


Your faith in me gives me strength. I will not disappoint you!君の信頼が、ぼくに力をくれるんだ。必ず応えてみせるよ…!

5성 40레벨 달성

I can still remember the feeling in my hands when I first took up a sword...
It was so heavy, so sharp...dangerous! I felt so helpless, wondering if I could ever manage to use such a blade.
But since then, I have swung a sword thousands, no...tens of thousands of times, I'm sure.
I use it for the sake of my people and their future. For those yet to come.
It is because of the support people have given me that I am where I am today.
I want to live up to their faith in me, and repay that support somehow.
That is how I wield my blade.
As long as I have something I must protect, I will likely continue to do so, with an eye toward a brighter future.





오의 발동

For the hope of all.みんなの想いを…
A single strike!この一撃に!
Believe in me!ぼくを信じて!
Victory is ours!負けることはない!


I can't give up now...あきらめる…訳には…


These clothes are those of Altea's first king, King Anri.この衣装は、初代アリティア国王アンリにちなんだものなんだ。
Hey, woah there. You always do that. I'm catching on.わっ…! もう、きみはいつも突然なんだな。
Artemis and Anri could never be together. What a sad story.アンリとアルテミスと結ばれることはなかったんだ。悲しい話だね。
Anri won his battle all alone. I, on the other hand, rely on the strength of my friends.アンリはたった一人で戦いに勝利した。でも、ぼくはみんなの力がなければ…
There are so many that believe in me, and nothing could make me happier.ぼくを信じてくれる人がたくさんいる。こんなに嬉しいことはないよ。
I can overcome any difficulty with my friends beside me.どんなに困難でも、みんなが傍にいてくれるなら…
As long as I am with you, we will never lose. I wish to continue fighting at your side.きみと一緒ならぼくは決して負けはしない。これからも傍にいてほしい。

아군 턴 터치

I believe in you.信じるよ
Caeda, what's wrong?

캐릭터 페이지로