비익의 왕족자제 마르스/대사


It is very nice to meet you. I am Elice. Thank you for all you've done for my younger brother Marth.ごきげんよう。私はエリス……いつも弟のマルスがお世話になっております。

Marth : Even though the fighting drags on, everyone is in such high spirits. Truly, festivals are magical times.マルス : 戦いが続く中でも、みんな、本当に楽しそうで…お祭りというのは、いいものですね。
Elice : I doubt Marth recalls this, but he nearly got left behind on the way to a festival near the castle back home!エリス : マルスはおぼえているかどうか…一緒に城下の祭りに出かけて、迷子になりかけたことがありましたね。
Marth : If you want to take a rest, Elice, I'll happily patrol in your stead.マルス : 姉上、すこしお休みになっては?僕はもう少し回ってきます!
Elice : Look at the snow, white and glittering. It is so beautiful. I wonder if our home is also blanketed in snow...エリス : 白く美しい雪…今頃、私たちの国にも降っているのかしら……
Elice : Have you found presents for everyone on your list? If you hold them close to your heart, it's easy!エリス : もう贈り物は決まりましたか?大事な人へ心を込めて選ぶのですよ。

친구 방문

Marth : I want you to know that you're in our thoughts this holiday season, [Summoner].マルス : [召喚師]さんに、僕たちから感謝の気持ちを込めて。

레벨 업

Elice : May the many honored fallen who sacrificed everything in service of Altea be blessed forevermore...エリス : アリティアのために命を尽くした、多くの英霊に祝福あれ……
Elice : Is everyone all right? Please, bring any injured to my side, that I may tend their wounds.エリス : 皆さん、ご無事ですか?お怪我をされた方は、こちらへ……
Marth : This is no good... Without Jagen and Cain here, I just can't focus!マルス : ダメだ……ジェイガンやカインがいないと緊張感が……!


Elice : Wonders never cease in this land. I am certain Marth will grow into a strong leader here.エリス : この世界では驚くことばかり。マルスもたくましく成長してくれることでしょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Marth : I've only had a chance to see a little bit so far, but this is a huge festival, isn't it, [Summoner]?
Elice : It seems so! Everywhere you look, you see happy people. This land is so beautiful too. But war yet persists...
Marth : Oh, Elice. Please, try to forget the troubles of the world and enjoy yourself, if only for today.
Brood too much and everyone will only begin to fret.
Elice : Very well. But look there, Marth! That man! Is he ice-skating? Oh, no! He fell... Let's go and see if he's hurt!
Marth : I'm sure he's fine, Elice! You're so concerned for others that I worry you may lose sight of your own happiness.
Elice : Oh, Marth. I am touched by your concern, but you needn't worry about me...
I've already found someone who makes me very happy, as Caeda does you.
マルス : [召喚師]、話には聞いていたけど大きな祭りだね。楽しませてもらっているよ。
エリス : 本当に……人も大地も、豊かな世界と感じます。それだけに、争いも起こるのでしょうね…
マルス : 姉上!今日はそういう気分を置いて楽しむ日です。暗い顔では、皆に心配されてしまいますよ。
エリス : でも、ホラ、あちらにすべって転ぶ方が…あらあら、雪まみれになって……心配ですから見に行って差し上げましょう?
マルス : 姉上はいつも、他人のことばかり……たまには自分のことも…そう、幸せになることも考えてください。
エリス : ふふ、心配してくれてありがとう。でも、私には心に決めた人がいますから。マルスこそ、シーダを泣かせてはダメよ?




It cannot be...!いけない…!

오의 발동

Duo : Bless us with strength!二人 : 祝福を!
Duo : Elice! I'm here, Marth!二人 : 姉上! ええ!
Marth : This is for you!マルス : 贈り物だよ!
Elice : From the two of us!エリス : 受け取ってください


Forgive me... Elice...すみません…姉上…


• "Look, Elice, the snow is falling."
• "Yes... How beautiful..."

아군 턴 터치

Right you are.はい
This way, Elice!姉上、こちらです!
Shall we, Marth?マルス、行きましょう

공격시 후위 서포트

Try not to wear yourself out.無茶はだめですよ
I will enjoy this.楽しみましょう

비익/쌍계 스킬

• "Here I go!"
• "Stay focused!"
• "Over here!"
• "Leave it to me!"

비익/쌍계 대화

Marth : Elice! Come quickly. There's something you have to see!マルス : 姉上!こっちに珍しいものがありますよ。早くいらしてください。
Elice : *giggle* You seem excited, Marth— perhaps a bit too excited...?エリス : ふふっ。マルス、はしゃぎすぎではありませんか?
Marth : Ah... My apologies. It's just that—マルス : あ…すみません。つい…
Elice : Oh, you needn't worry. I'm only teasing. Truthfully, I'm happy to do what you want.エリス : いえ、いいんです。こんなふうにあなたと冬祭りを楽しめるなんて夢のよう…
Marth : And I'm happy to spend the winter festival with you... I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.マルス : そうですね…。僕も、姉上と同じ気持ちです。
Elice : I had some reservations when I first came to this world, but...with you here, they've all fallen away...
You have matured quite a bit, Marth.
エリス : このような異界に召喚されて、戸惑う気持ちもありましたが…もう大丈夫です。
Marth : Maybe some...but I still have a ways to go...マルス : そんな! 僕なんてまだまだ…
I trust your judgment—but I cannot take credit!
Any maturing on my part is all thanks to the support of my friends. They have always been faithful.
Elice : Marth...エリス : マルス…
Marth : It's true, though! Jagen, Cain, Abel, Gordin...and so many more...
Caeda too, of course. Their support has been...a true gift.
マルス : ジェイガン、カイン、アベル、ゴードン…ほかにもたくさん…それにシーダ。
Elice : Of course, of course... And Caeda... her support must be an exceptional gift, is it not?エリス : ええ、本当に。そしてその中でもシーダ…彼女は特別な贈り物なのでしょう?
Marth : Wh-what?!マルス : あ、姉上?!
Elice : Oh, and look here, Marth. Would this necklace not make an exceptional gift in return?
It would look stunning on Caeda...
エリス : ほら、見てくださいマルス。この首飾り、とってもシーダに似合いそう。
Marth : No, no, that's not what I meant by—!マルス : いえ、僕はそんなつもりで言ったのでは…!
Elice : Just trust me, Marth—that is, if you want Caeda to know how much you appreciate her...
Ah! This ring is also quite pretty...
エリス : 女性が喜ぶものなら任せてください。まあ、こちらの指輪も素敵…
There is no greater delight than giving gifts to those you care about.
Why don't we go look at some more together...?
Marth : *sigh* You are right as ever, I suppose... Thank you. Our time together is another gift I'll cherish.マルス : 姉上…そうですね。では、よろしくお願いします。

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