지룡족의 왕 메디우스/대사


Men call me the Shadow Dragon and cower before me. Hear me, dragons all! It is time to reclaim what is ours!人は我を暗黒竜と呼び、恐れ、頭を垂れた。地竜の王、メディウスがここに命じる。すべての竜よ、今こそ力を取り戻すときだ!

No matter the age, it is unchanging. The hearts of men conceal hatred and evil intent.いつの時代も変わらぬ……人の心には悪が潜む……みにくい心が……
They feigned weakness and we lent them our strength. Before long, they became conceited. That is mankind!始めは弱き者として振る舞い、我ら竜から強き力を借り受け……そしていつしか思い上がるのだ、人というものはな!
Who or what are you? Do you know the answer to this question?貴様は何者なのだ。何者であるか知っておるのか?
Dragons will retake the world. Dolhr is a torch to light the path I am forging.世界を竜の手に取り戻す。ドルーアとは、そのための灯火よ。
The dragons of this realm will hear my call. Our time will come...この地の竜どもも、我の一喝に応じよう。その時は来る……いずれな。

친구 방문

An opportunity to emerge from my confines? This is agreeable.なるほど、出歩いてみるものだ。礼を取らせよう。

레벨 업

Take this to heart... So long as there is light, the darkness shall never fade.心せよ………闇は光あるかぎり、永遠に消えはしないのだと……
Fools...be consumed by the flames of hell!愚かな者どもよ……地獄の炎に焼かれて、苦しみながら死ぬがよい!
Yes... Come to me! I will cast you into the deepest pit of hell!来るがよい…我のそばへ…地獄の底まで突き落としてくれようぞ!


Such caprice.ふん、酔狂なことを。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you think to regard me?
In fairness, I have been observing your little act.
Flaunting power unsuited to you with wild abandon. Playing lead in a farce about a fool who flies too high...
Dragons were asked to discard their power. Mankind was not grateful. You suggest I accept that?
Naga's charity was wasted on these hearts, so far beyond redemption. O cursed creature, man!
Someday, the heart of the inferno will open upon them! The world will be remade—no, restored!





오의 발동

Foolish mortals!おろかな人間どもよ…
Suffer, and die!苦しみながら死ね!
Think you can defeat me?わしに勝てると思うか!
Burn in the pits of hell!突き落としてくれようぞ!


How could this happen?このわしが…敗れるとは…


measured/confident last boss chuckleふふふ…
I am Medeus, king of the Earth Dragons.わしはメディウス。地竜族の王だ。
Do you tempt my wrath?自ら寄ってくるとは、地獄の炎で焼かれたいとみえる。
Foolish human! You dare disturb my slumber?わしの眠りをさまたげる愚かな人間どもよ。
Marth... Ah, yes... Anri's descendant. A troublesome one.マルス…あの忌々しいアンリの血をひく小僧か…
As long as there is light...the darkness will never be extinguished!闇は、光ある限り永遠に消えはしないのだ…
You'll find an Earth Dragon like me harder to tame than Gharnef, weakling...ガーネフを退けたくらいで思い上がるなよ、小僧…
I will show you the true power of the Earth Dragons. You should be thankful!地竜族の本当の力を見せてくれる。楽しみにするがよい。

아군 턴 터치

You dare?よかろう
Take YOUR position.持ち場につけ

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