달에 오른 마녀 와유/대사


Is it a trick or a treat? Only you can determine your fate! Oh, I'm Mia, by the way. I'm a mercenary.トリックオアトリート!いたずらか、お菓子か! 宿命の対決!あっと。あたしはワユ、傭兵だよ。

An ambush would be a good trick to play on someone... But where should I hide?
Huh? You overheard me just now? I meant, um...a friendly ambush.
よーし、待ち伏せしていたずら仕掛けちゃおうかな!ってあれ? 今の聞いてた?
I've visited a lot of countries in my time as a mercenary. And no matter where I go, festivals are always fun!傭兵時代はいろんな国を回ったけどお祭りの楽しさはどこだって同じだね!
This outfit isn't too much, is it? Well, if you think it's perfect for the festival, then let's get witchin'!あたしの格好、派手すぎない?そ、そっか、似合ってるなら問題ないよ!
Hey, don't hold back! This candy isn't going to eat itself, boss. Have another handful! Let loose a little!ほらほら、遠慮しないでさ、祭りなんだからめいっぱい楽しもうよ!
I don't ever skip a training session. Especially when it comes to keeping this broomstick steady!
Almost took a nasty tumble my first few times out.

친구 방문

I'm under direct orders to enjoy the festival! Want to join me and your friend [Friend]?[フレンド]に頼まれて収穫祭のお誘いに来たよ!一緒に楽しまない?

레벨 업

Ha! I'm doing so well today. I feel like I could conquer anything!うんうん、今日も絶好調!どんないたずらも成功しちゃう予感!
I haven't reached the top yet... The fun's just getting started!まだまだこんなもんじゃないよ!本気で楽しんじゃうからね!
Maybe I was distracted by all the candy... I need to refocus!あちゃー、お菓子をもらうのに夢中で鍛錬に身が入ってなかったかな…


Let's keep the festival going!この調子でどんどんいってみよう!

5성 40레벨 달성

People often ask me why a girl is out on the battlefield. Can you believe that?
I tell them that underestimating my skills can be hazardous to their health!
Once they see me in action, they understand I can fight as well as any soldier out there. If not better!
But I just know I'll get that question again before the next battle.
That's why I like festivals like these. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl, old or young.
Everyone just accepts that you're here to have fun!
Whether you're playing a trick, being tricked, or just eating candy, you can't help but smile through it all.
Well, anyway, festivals like these don't happen everyday. So let's get out there and enjoy ourselves!
Come on, boss, you're with me!





오의 발동

That candy's mine!お菓子いただき!
Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート!
Got a trick for ya!すっごい悪戯!
Don't let the outfit fool ya!いつでも本気!


Stupid costume…もうやだ、これ脱がせて~…


Hey, it's all good!大丈夫大丈夫!
Keep it up!どんどん行くよ!
So what do you think? Pretty cool costume, right?どう、この格好? かっこ良い?
Bwaaah! Aw, c'mon! Gosh, I thought you were a ghost sneaking up on me...うひゃあっ!? もう、おばけかと思った!
Are you here for candy? Uh, wait... Where did I put it again?お菓子食べる? あれ、どこに入れたっけ…?
I'm always training. Gotta watch the candy intake!修行中だからね、甘いものはほどほどに、っと。
Candy for me? Thanks, Boss! Ya know, you're really kind. I like it!お菓子くれるの? ありがと! あたし、大将のそういう優しいとこ好きだよ。

아군 턴 터치

Alrighty then!さてさて!
Who should I prank?誰に悪戯する?

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