은빛의 여왕 미카야/대사


I am Micaiah. I wish for everyone to spend their lives in peace... As ruler of Daein, it is my goal.私はミカヤ。誰もが安らかに過ごせる日々を…それがデインの王としての願いです。

Just as the sun must set, the dark of night must, too, give way to dawn. The people of Daein have my faith.日が必ず落ちるように、長い夜もいつかは明けるもの。私はデインの人々を信じているわ。
The people of Daein are exhausted after such a long period of struggle.
I want to return the smiles to their faces somehow...someday...
When I observe the people of Askr, I see how important it is for a place to offer safety and foster collaboration.アルフォンス王子にシャロン王女…アスク王国の方々を拝見すると日々の安定と教養の大切さを感じるわ。
Princess Sharena invited me to join her for tea later. Isn't that nice? I can hardly wait!シャロン王女から、このあとお茶をご一緒にとお招きいただいたの。とても楽しみだわ。
The future is clouded with uncertainty... Surely, it— Could it be?私が感じるのは、ぼんやりとした未来…それはきっと…

친구 방문

I am Micaiah, Queen of Daein, come bearing greetings as a sworn ally of [Friend].私はデインの王ミカヤです。[フレンド]さんの盟友として、ご挨拶に参りました。

레벨 업

I vowed to remake Daein. I will make it a country where everyone accepts one another, with all allowed dignity.私はデインを変えると誓った。誰もが互いを認め合い、前を向いて堂々と生きていける国を目指すの。
Has something gone wrong? I will see to it that it is corrected.みんな、怪我はない?ここは私に任せて。
When I think of the people of Daein, fighting against nature every day, through the brambles and barrens...険しい山、荒れた野を拓き日々自然の厳しさと戦うデインの人々のことを思えば……


Thank you for your guidance, Goddess Ashunera.女神アスタテューヌのお導きに感謝を。

5성 40레벨 달성

I was...quite shocked to learn Sanaki, the 37th Empress of Begnion, is my younger sister, to be sure.
I am glad she wanted me to stay with her, but...Nolan, Edward, Leonardo, and Sothe...
The Dawn Brigade is my family. And Daein is my homeland.
That's why I've taken the throne, for the sake of everyone in Daein.
Clearing the land to prepare it for agriculture is no easy task...
The path will be difficult...and painful. But with my family and friends at my side, we will make Daein prosper.
When that day finally comes, I hope you will come visit. Daein welcomes you anytime, [Summoner]!





오의 발동

Hope is on our side!希望はここに
The future is ours!未来のために…
I will not fear you!恐れたりしない
I will do what I must!もう迷わない


This can't...be happening...運命の…糸は…


Legendary...Hero? I think you're confused. Are you positive you're not looking for Commander Ike?伝承の英雄…? それは私じゃなくて、アイク将軍のような人のことよ。
Hm? Ah... I see Yune has some influence on you as well. Hee hee!きゃっ!? あなたのそういうところ、ユンヌそっくりね。
I, like many others, have fought in a bitter struggle to keep on living...私は生きるために、卑劣と蔑まれるような戦いもした…
I am descended from Lehran and Altina—and Misaha, the former apostle, was my grandmother.わたしは、エルランとオルティナの末裔…先代神使ミサハは、私の…祖母。
I'll stand by you no matter what. You needn't even raise the question.わたしたち2人で、助け合いながら進みましょう。
Empress Sanaki... My dear little sister... Thank you.ありがとう、皇帝サナキ。…私の大切な妹…
As long as I'm here...I'll show you that, together, we can overcome anything.あなたと一緒なら…どんなことだって耐えてみせる。

아군 턴 터치

What's the plan?策があるのね?
Ready and waiting.覚悟はできてるわ

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