여름색의 소녀 미카야/대사


I'm Micaiah of the Dawn Brigade. Thank you for inviting me to the summer festival.
Hmm... I sense quite a bit of fun waiting for me...

The festival has everyone energized. I can sense all their joy! It feels like we're all smiling as one.
So this is what a summer festival is like, huh?
Festivals are a time to forget our troubles and leave our sadness behind... If only for a brief moment.お祭りの間だけは、人々は苦しいことや悲しいことを忘れて、みんなで楽しむことができる…
This outfit is so foreign to me... I'm a little nervous wearing it if I'm being honest. I don't look odd in it, do I?これが異国の衣装…初めてだから…戸惑ってしまうわ。…おかしくないかしら?
I used to be a fortune-teller, you know. Would you like me to read your fortune sometime?以前は街で占い師をしていたの。良かったら、あなたのことも占ってあげましょうか?
I've never seen a dance such as this Hoshidan one. It's so...mysterious to me...
I cannot help but feel that Sothe would be much better at performing it than I.

친구 방문

Oh, hello. I was just at the festival where I saw your friend [Friend].
Will you be joining them soon?

레벨 업

I can sense all of our hearts joining as one.みんなの心がひとつになる…そんなイメージを感じるの。
I feel like I've become a better dancer.上手く踊れるようになってきたみたい。
Hmm... Perhaps there's still some hesitation hidden in my heart...そんな…私の心に迷いがあったの?


I hope my dance is enough to show my appreciation.ありがとう。私の踊りでお礼ができればいいけど…

5성 40레벨 달성

The time I've spent with everyone here—laughing, dancing, singing...it will live within my heart forever.
These memories will become my beacon of hope. And I sense that one day...
this same light will shine upon everyone's future.
Endless fighting can wear down our hearts, and swelling stagnation can lead us toward even greater calamity.
However, the joy we feel today will become a light that never fades. One that drives the darkness away.
I want to step into that light with the people most precious to me...
Each of us carrying this summer's memories deep within our hearts.





오의 발동

Let's dance!舞いましょう
For friendship!友好のためなら
A summer celebration!夏の祭事(さいじ)ね
Any dance, anytime!どんな踊りだって


Just need to rest my feet...踊り…疲れたのかしら…


This is a Hoshidan dance.白夜の舞いね
Don't give up!負けないで
Ohh, Yune, not again! Please, settle down!きゃっ!? もう、ユンヌ、おとなしくして…
Clothing from other lands is so often different from what I'm used to... Oh, I don't mean to say I don't like it!異国の衣装は、私たちとはずいぶん違うのね。でも、嫌いじゃない…
You think this outfit looks good on me? Why, thank you.え? 似合ってる? …ありがとう。
This is just my first impression, but... this summer festival seems deeply spiritual to the people of Hoshido.白夜王国の夏祭り…きっと、神聖なまつりごとなのね。
You'd like to see my dance? Well, I guess I have time to give you a quick look.私の踊りが見たいの? そんなに言うなら、少しだけ…

아군 턴 터치

Got it.わかったわ
Summer's here...夏が来たのね…
I'll dance!踊ってみるわ

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