봄색의 용기사 미네르바/대사
I am Minerva, princess of Macedon. I will do as you ask of me during this spring festival. | わたしはマケドニア第一王女のミネルバ。春祭りにわたしの力が必要というのなら、協力は惜しまない。 |
What I wear is of no concern, for the pride of a Macedonian princess does not waver. Not for an instant! | どのような装束をまとおうともマケドニア王女の誇りは揺るがぬ。て、照れてなどいない…! |
I was caught off guard... I had not expected to ever don such garb as this. | 油断していた…まさかわたしがこのような仮装をすることになろうとは… |
The Askran spring is beautiful indeed. Riding wyvernback across the sky, basking in the sun's warmth is...bliss. | アスク王国の春…いい季節だ。朗らかな陽光の中、飛竜で空を駆けるのは、とても気持ちがよいものだ。 |
I am not fond of festive dress, but Maria put effort into this costume for me. I wear it out of obligation. | 華やかな装束を着るのは苦手だがせっかくマリアが用意してくれたのだ。袖を通さぬわけにはいくまい。 |
This is no wyvern egg. It is merely decorative. Wyvern eggs are quite a bit larger, their shells harder. | これは飛竜の卵ではなく、儀礼用だ。飛竜の卵はもう一回り大きく殻も硬いのだ。 |
친구 방문
I deliver a springtime greeting from [Friend]. Enjoy. | スプリングハズカム![フレンド]からの挨拶確かに伝えたぞ。 |
레벨 업
Let us celebrate both the coming of spring and our victory with gaiety! | 春の到来を高らかに祝おう。我らの勝利とともに! |
Whether in festive dress or not, I must not perform shamefully. | 祭りの仮装であろうと、情けない姿は見せられない。 |
This cannot be. For me to have let this happen is...unthinkable. | まさか、気の緩みなど… |
I shall swear this spring season will stir new growth in me as well. | 新たな季節、さらなる躍進を誓おう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Macedon, my homeland, was founded by Iote, a king born as a slave. It was not a wealthy country in those days. However, the people settled in the thick forests and took to building a country with wills of steel. As a result of their efforts, Macedon entered a new season, and their work bore the fruit of abundance. Enduring a long winter carries the promise of spring. In a way, it is a reflection of Macedon's victory. So, let us celebrate this season together and soar even higher. So that next year we may celebrate this day again, and all it represents. | 祖国マケドニアは奴隷出身の王アイオテにより建国された…最初から豊かな国ではなかった。 しかし、人々は不屈の意志で密林を切り開き、天馬や飛竜と力を合わせ、国を築いていったのだ。 その結果、マケドニアにも春が来た。人々の努力が実り、春という季節を勝ち取ったと言えるだろう。 長き冬を耐え忍べば、必ず春は来る。春とはマケドニアの民にとってある意味、勝利の象徴なのだ。 さあ、[召喚師]。ともにこの季節を祝いさらなる飛躍を成し遂げるとしよう。 来年もまた…誰一人欠けることなく皆でこの季節を祝えるようにな。 |
やあっ | |
It's spring! | 春だ! |
くっ… | |
You...! | おのれ…! |
오의 발동
Here comes spring! | スプリングハズカム! |
Be serious! | 寝ぼけるな! |
I am a princess and a warrior! | 恥ずかしくなど… |
Eyes open! | 目を覚ますがいい |
The spring breeze... | 少し…眠いな… |
Giggle | ふふっ |
It seems that this is the garb of the spring festival. It is somewhat awkward. | これは春の祭りの衣装だそうだ。何やら照れくさいが… |
Hm? A flower petal drifted onto my shoulder? I see. Thank you. | なっ!? ああ、花びらがついていたのか。ありがとう。 |
I heard that Palla and the other Whitewings participated in the festival before. I thought that this year, I would join in. | パオラたちもこの祭りに参加したと聞いて…今年は私もと思ったのだ。 |
Rabbits, eggs, and pretty colors... This festival is full of adorable decorations. Maria would love it. | 兎に卵に…可愛い飾りが多いな。マリアが喜ぶだろう。 |
Spring is a wonderful season. I feel that everything is given new life. | 春はいい季節だ。何もかもが新しく生まれ変わる気がする… |
I would not much like for my brother to encounter me in this attire. | あ、兄上に見られるのは…勘弁してもらいたい… |
Next time, I would like to show you Macedon in spring. | 今度は君に私の故郷の春を見てもらいたいものだ。 |
아군 턴 터치
This way? | そちらか |
I see... | なるほど… |
Lovely and warm. | 暖かいな |