이계에서 온 소년 마크/대사


My name's Morgan—son of the genius tactician Robin! Hmm... But is my mother around here?僕はマークです!天才軍師ルフレの息子なんですよーっ!母さーん、どこですかー?

Your white robe is too cool! But I'd expect nothing less from the tactician of the Order of Heroes. Say, can we...
Swap robes? Just for a moment?!
I have no memories of my previous world. All I remember is my name, and a little bit about my mother...
But, I'm sure I'll remember everything else soon enough!
Out on patrol? Thanks for working so hard! Sometimes just walking around like that can inspire a new strategy.
Have you ever come up with some amazing new technique while out on patrol?
巡回ですか? お疲れさまです!そうやって歩いてる時ってなぜか、いい策をひらめくことがありますよね!
You come from another world just like me, right? I feel better knowing our situations are similar.
Let's learn about this kingdom together.
I was just exploring outside the castle. The geography of this world is just so new, and so exciting!
And being near the ruins made me feel like I just might...remember something...

친구 방문

You're [Summoner], right? I've come with a great big hello from [Friend]![召喚師]さんですね?[フレンド]さんから、渾身のあいさつが届いていますよ!

레벨 업

Whew... I'm catching up quick as I can, Mother!母さん、見てますか?僕、頑張りましたよ…!
That's a big step closer to achieving my dream!軍師の夢に一歩近づきました!
Hrm... Gotta say, that's kind of a letdown.うぅ…思ったより上がりませんでした!


This is just like that time I got a new tactics book from my mother!母さんから戦術書をもらったときみたいに嬉しいです!

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, so I guess you spotted me! I was watching you from over there, but I didn't think you'd notice...
But I shouldn't be surprised. I expect nothing less from the second smartest tactician I know!
The smartest tactician I know is my own mother, of course. But you could be her rival for sure!
That's why I've been looking for an opportunity to ask to be your apprentice.
Oh, wait! I just let my own plan slip! No way you'd ever take me on as your apprentice now...
Huh? You will? Really?! Oh, thank you! You're amazing! And every bit as kind as my mother.
I'm so excited I get to learn all about tactics from you. Now that it's official, I'll stick to your side like glue!
Because no matter what happens, I'll believe in you right up to the end!
…って、手の内をバラしてしまいました!ああ、これじゃあなたの弟子になんて……してくれるんですか!? 本当に!?


Here I go!いきますよ!



오의 발동

Just as I planned!僕の策で!
You won't win like that!それじゃあ勝てませんよ?


Bad move...読み負けちゃいました…


My mother is the greatest tactician who's ever lived, you know.僕の母さんは世界一の軍師なんですよ!
I've learned a lot watching your tactical style.あなたの策は勉強になります
Would it be OK for me to browse through the Order's library?特務機関の書物、ぜひ読ませてください
Heh. I dug a pitfall nearby—don't tell anyone!ふっふっふ…この近くに落とし穴を掘りました
Huh? How'd I wind up with two copies of this strategy book?あれ? 同じ戦術書が二冊…
Someday, I hope to be a strategist to rival my mother...僕もいつか、母さんみたいな軍師になりたいな…
I'm glad to be able to help out, even if I've got a lot to learn.見習いの身でこうして役に立てて、僕は幸せです。あなたと共にいられること、僕はずっと忘れませんよ。

아군 턴 터치

What's the plan?どんな策です?

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Burn to ash!燃やし尽くします!
Temperature rising!熱いですよ!
Did you see this coming?これは読めましたか?
Victory is mine!僕は負けません!

패배 - 신장

Read my moves...先を…読まれましたね……

상태창 - 신장

Ooh, I like this garb! Thanks!かっこいい衣装ですね! ありがとうございます。
Whoa! You got me again... There's no stopping you, is there?わあっ! またやられてしまいました…。あなたには勝てませんね。
I've given some thought to a flame-based battle-strategy. I'd love to lay it out for you.これを機に、炎を使った戦術を考えてみました。聞いてくれませんか?
I'm greatly interested in learning from Princess Laegjarn and her family.レーギャルン王女たちからも、もっと話を聞いてみたいです。
Here's an idea. Let's say I spread oil on the floor of a pit. Once someone fell in, they'd never be able to crawl out. Genius, right? *giggle*そうだ、落とし穴の底に油をひけば這い上がれませんね。ふふふ…
Mother, what would you say of my new garb? I hope you like it.母さん、この衣装なんていうかな? 褒めてくれるかな…
I must do what I can to become a tactician to rival my mother. Your survival is at stake!早く母さんみたいな軍師になって、あなたを助けられるようがんばります!

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

What now?どうします?
All will burn!燃やしてあげます!

캐릭터 페이지로