이계에서 온 소녀 마크/대사


My name's Morgan. If you've been looking for the daughter of the genius tactician Robin, look no further!
My father is somewhere here as well, yes?

So, you're saying I came bursting out of that divine weapon? That must make bolstering your ranks a cinch!
Just goes to show I can't underestimate Summoners from other worlds!
I don't have many memories from before coming here. Doesn't bother me one bit, though!私、ここに来るまでの記憶が全然まったくないんですよね。でも、そんなこと気にしませんよ!
Oh, it's you on patrol duty today? Uh, in that case... Well, I overheard that somebody may have...
Dug a pitfall on the patrol route. So, um... Be careful out there, OK?
見回りお疲れさまです! ふふふ…実はあなたの見回りルート上に落とし穴を掘ってあるんですよ。
Any chance you'd share some of your strategies with me?
I've just gotta know what's floating around the mind of the master tactician of the Order of Heroes!
Being the daughter of a brilliant tactician, I can take on a ton of different jobs!
Check me out! I'm a Dark Flier right now.

친구 방문

Ha! My plan to show up out of the blue and get you to talk to me worked like a charm!
Heehee, I'm here to say hello from your friend [Friend].

레벨 업

Whew... I'm catching up quick as I can, Father!父さん、見てますか?私、頑張りましたよ…!
Nice! Getting stronger, one step at a time!よーし、また少し強くなれましたよ!
This failure will haunt me for the rest of my life.マークちゃん一生の不覚です!


This is just like that time I got a new tactics book from my father!父さんから戦術書をもらったときみたいに嬉しいです!

5성 40레벨 달성

[Summoner]... I have a huge request for you today... Please...
Make me your apprentice!
Your strategies are so wonderful, you could almost rival my father!
And he's a genius tactician, as I may have mentioned five or six times already...
I'll even do odd jobs! I'll wash your robe, I'll polish the Breidablik, anything you ask!
Really?! I can be your apprentice?! Oh, thank you so much! I'm going to learn so much from you!
Heehee... There's something about your smile that reminds me of my father, actually... It's kind.
Ever since we first met, I just knew I had to follow your lead.
Even without this Summoner-Hero relationship, I'm sure we would have been just as close!
Anyway, I hope I can follow you right to the very end!
え? いいんですか!?やった! ありがとうございます!これからいーっぱい、勉強させてください!


Here I go!いきますよ!


I messed up...やっちゃいました…

오의 발동

Wait 'til you see this!奥の手です!
My turn!マークちゃんの番です!


Tough one...えへ…強いんですね……


My father is the greatest tactician who's ever lived, you know.私の父さんは世界一の軍師なんですよ!
A blow to the head from a big tome is no joke, let me tell you.魔道書で頭をゴンゴンするの、クセになります
Up for a game of chess?マークちゃんは遊びに行きたい気分です
Give me time, and I'll be your best piece on the board.きっとあなたの、最強の駒になってみせますよ
You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I have almost total amnesia!こう見えて記憶喪失なんですよ、えっへん!
Someday, I hope to be able to beat my father in tactics...私もいつか、父さんみたいな軍師になりたいです…
I like it here with you. I hope you find my strategies useful!あなたといると楽しいです。私、もっと勉強しますから…また一緒に戦術を考えさせてくださいねっ!

아군 턴 터치

What's next?どうします?
Let's go!行きましょー!

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