비극에 바치는 광명 모즈메/대사


I'm Mozu, from a village in Hoshido. I can hunt, farm...and I'm sturdy as heck. I'll do my best to help!あたいはモズメ。白夜王国の村人や。できるのは畑仕事と狩りくらいやけど力になれるように頑張るで。

Not sure if I got a knack for fightin' or what, but I don't mind hard work— my sole redeemin' trait!あたいに戦う才能があるかはわからん。でも、努力するんは嫌いやないで。それだけが取り柄やからな。
The village and all its fields were ruined, and my mom died protecting me. So now's my turn to fight back.村も畑もめちゃくちゃにされておっ母もあたいをかばって死んでしもた。あたいはみんなの仇を討ちたいんや。
You could grow some mighty fine crops in Askr's soil. Just need some high-quality fertilizer—dragon dung!アスク王国の土は立派やなあ。ここならええ作物が育つで。あとは飛竜の糞があれば最高やな…。
I never planned on getting this strong, but working the fields every day sure does make for some good trainin'.あたいは別に鍛えていたわけやないで。毎日農作業や狩りをしとったら勝手に力が強くなっただけや。
I'm hanging some fruit to dry right now. It'll make for some nutritious and yummy snacks!今、果物を干してるんや。うまみや栄養が詰まって美味しいしええ保存食にもなるんやで。

친구 방문

Wow... Fancy place! Here, I brought you something nice from [Friend].はぁ…えらい立派な城やなあ。[フレンド]さんからええもん預かってきたで。受け取りや。

레벨 업

This even surprises ME! I gotta say, you won't find villagers as strong as me in just any old place.自分でもびっくりや!こないな強い村人、なかなかおらんで。
Nice! Let's keep up this pace!ええやん!この調子でどんどんいくでー!
Darn it all! So close! Why aren't I gettin' stronger?おかしいなぁ…なんで強くならへんのやろ。


For me? Really? I'll do my best!これをあたいに?おおきに! 頑張るで!

5성 40레벨 달성

The people in the Order of Heroes are so great. Just like the people in my village... But they're gone now.
War stole everything from me, including my own mom. And it left only sadness that spread like wildfire.
All I want is to end this spread, not just in Hoshido, but in Askr too. And that's what I plan to do!
I'll give the Order my all! And in doing so, I'll honor the people from my village. That's my hope, anyhow.
The Order of Heroes is my family now, and I'm not gonna lose my family again.
I don't know how helpful I can be, but I'll sure as heck give it my all!





오의 발동

I can do this!あたいもやるで!
You're a bad apple...覚悟しぃや!
You smell like a goat!これでも喰らい!
You reap what you sow!行かせてもらうで!


Couldn't fight 'em...あかんかった…なあ…


I'm Mozu! I'm here to lend a hand!あたいはモズメ。何もできへんかもしれんけど…
Gah! Oh, it's just you. You scared the tar outta me!ひゃあっ!? もー、なにすんのよ。驚かさんといて!
Farm work and hunting is all I've ever been good at.あたい昔から、畑仕事と狩りは得意なんよ。
Around my village, you weren't a real hunter until you'd bagged yourself a boar.イノシシを一人で狩れば、猟師として一人前って言われるんやで
I'm not afraid! I might even save you or your friends.一人ぼっちはもう…いやや。
I'm gonna do my best. Mother, everyone...watch over me.おっ母、村のみんな。あたい頑張るし、見ててな…
It's not fancy, but I cooked up a little something. Give it a try?田舎料理やけど、あんたの為に作ってみたんよ。食べてくれる?

아군 턴 터치

Where to?どないしよか
I've got this.任しとき

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