무구한 괴물 미르라/대사


Trick or treat! I'm Myrrh! Are you going to the harvest festival too?トリックオアトリート、です…私、ミルラといいます。あなたもお祭りに参加しますか?

I've got this costume, pumpkins line every street, and there's candy as far as the eye can see...
I think this festival will be fun.
I lived with my father in Darkling Woods for a very long time, so I've never seen such a lively festival.私はずっと…闇の樹海でおとうさんとふたりっきりでした。こんな賑やかなお祭りは、はじめてです…
I hear you're supposed to play a trick on someone if they don't give you treats, but...
Oh, I could never do anything so mean to someone. I guess it's OK if I don't get any treats...
There's no candy where I lived in Darkling Woods... And now I've definitely eaten too much.私の住んでいた場所には…お菓子はありませんでした。だから…つい食べすぎてしまいます。
I dreamt a pumpkin monster was chasing me! It was so scary...and now I can't get back to sleep.かぼちゃのお化けが追いかけてきた夢を見ました…怖くて一人で眠れないです…

친구 방문

Trick or treat! Hehe. I brought you a big harvest-festival greeting from [Friend]!トリックオアトリートです。[フレンド]さんから、挨拶を伝えにきました。

레벨 업

So much candy... I'm so happy!お菓子がいっぱい…とてもうれしいです。
I bet I could do a good job at scaring people...if I became a dragon!目の前で竜になればもっとうまく驚かせるでしょうか…
Sorry... Guess I didn't do it right.ごめんなさい、うまくできませんでした…


Om nom nom! Thish candy ish deelishush!もぐもぐ…お菓子、とってもおいしいです。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been alive for so long...but this is the first time I've experienced such a fun festival.
Everyone's laughing and dancing. They're all handing out candy...
And, well, there are some scary monsters wandering around, but still, I'm having so much fun!
Even though I think all the people I've met here will be gone in a thousand years...
I won't forget any of them. Even after a thousand years...and then another thousand!
I'll remember this festival and the time I spent with everyone.
Trick or treat! I'd never even heard this phrase before coming here, but it'll remind me of all the fun I had.





오의 발동

I've got a trick for you!いたずらします
Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート
Candy Grudge!お菓子の恨みです


Are ghosts...sad?お化けは…かなしいです…


I'm...twelve-hundred years old. Roughly.私は、だいたい千二百歳くらいです…
Are you trying to play a trick on me? Because I'd prefer a treat.きゃっ! 私を攻撃するのかと思いました…
I wonder what would happen to this outfit if I changed into a dragon...竜になったら、この服はどうなるのでしょうか…?
I may not technically be a child... But I still like candy!私は子供ではありませんが…お菓子は好きです。
Ohh, I just want some candy... Oh, but, if I can't have any, that's OK. Just...don't pay me any mind...お菓子が欲しいです…でも、だめなら良いです。なんでもないです。
I don't like ghosts. And now that I'm thinking about them, I won't be able to fall asleep tonight.お化けはきらいです…一人で眠れなくなります…
If I have a scary dream tonight, will you come sit with me and make sure I'm safe?夜、お化けが怖い時…一緒に寝てくれませんか?

아군 턴 터치

Time for tricks?いたずらですか?
Have some treats!お菓子をどうぞ。

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