청량한 피리소리 닐스/대사


Hello. I'm Nils. Nice to meet you! See this flute? With this, I'll give everyone whatever support I can!はじめまして、ぼくはニルス!この笛で、みんなを応援するよ。これからよろしくね!

There's something odd about you... But I know you're a good person. Dragons like me can sense as much.あなたは…ほかの人と雰囲気が違うけどたぶん、とっても良い人なんだね。ぼくたち、わかるんだ、そういうの。
My sister and I are on a journey to our homeland. It's been long and hard—and it's not over yet.ぼくと姉さんは、故郷を目指して一緒に旅をしているんだ。とても長く、とても遠い旅を……
Feeling weak and weary? We can take a break! I can play a little tune on my flute... That'd cheer you up for sure!疲れてない?少し、休憩していくといいよ。ぼくの笛で、元気を分けてあげる。
I hear there's a hall around here just for singing and dancing! Would you mind...showing me the way?演奏や歌に向いた建物があるって聞いてきたんだけど…このホールがそうなのかな?
I can hear the wind's voice in this place... It's quite comforting, actually. Makes me wish I could stay forever...ここは、風の声が心地よくて…とても良いところだね。ずっといたくなっちゃうよ。

친구 방문

Hello there, I'm Nils. I'm a bard! I'm staying over at your friend [Friend]'s castle!こんにちは、ぼくはニルス![フレンド]さんのところでお世話になっている吟遊詩人だよ。

레벨 업

Everything feels...more alive, somehow! Like I could put on the performance of a lifetime!なんだろう…世界を感じる…今なら、最高の演奏ができると思うよ。
Whew! What a refreshing breeze!うん、空気がおいしいね!
I wonder... Has the air of this world changed from what it once was? ...Has it changed too much?この世界の空気もぼくたちには合わないのかな…


Thank you! I'll make sure to work hard and use this to keep everyone's spirits up!ありがとう!もっとみんなを元気にできるように心を込めて演奏するよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, there's something I think you should know... I'm really happy you summoned me!
It's great to share a world with humans again, even if Ninian and I have seen them at their worst...
I grew to really enjoy living in the human world—but in the end, I had to leave. For their sake...
We dragons are not sustained by the same nourishment as you humans... So, eventually, I must leave you too.
Until that day, though...I'll pour my heart into playing my flute! I hope I'll see you striving for success as well.





오의 발동

I won't run away anymore!もう逃げないよ!
I'll do Ninian's part, too!ニニアンの分も…
We'll change the course of fate!運命を変える!
I'll do my best!頑張るからね!


I'm done for...もう…ダメみたい…


I can keep going!まだいけるよ!
One more time!もう一回!
I'm Nils. My sister Ninian and I are traveling performers.僕はニルス。姉さんのニニアンと芸を見せながら旅をしてるんだ。
My opinion of humans has changed since meeting all of you. I hope we'll find a way to live together in peace someday.みんなに会えて人間に対する考え方が変わったよ。いつか共存できたら…
It's Ninian's wish that I stand by Lord Eliwood.僕はエリウッド様を信じるよ。それがニニアンの願いだもの。
I hear a familiar voice calling out from the Dragon's Gate. Could it be...竜の門から僕らを呼ぶ懐かしい声…あれは……
Even if we're apart -- if we never see each other again -- our bond will never, ever be cut.いつか離れても、僕たちの絆が切れることはない。そうだろ?

아군 턴 터치

What do you need?こうかな?
I can do this!僕だって!

캐릭터 페이지로