빙정의 선율 닐스/대사


I'm Nils. Is this the event space for the snow-and-ice festival? I can add some atmosphere with my flute!ニルスだよ。雪と氷のお祭りの会場はここでいいのかな? ぼくの笛でお祭りを華やかにしてあげる!

Princess Fjorm said her country is covered in snow and ice year-round. I would like to visit there someday.フィヨルム王女の国は一年中雪と氷に覆われているんだってね。いつか旅してみたいなあ。
I've traveled many different countries with Ninian, but none of them had as many festivals as Askr does.ニニアンと一緒にいろんな国を旅してきたけど、アスク王国みたいにたくさんお祭りがある国はなかったよ。
You don't dislike the cold? Fantastic! Then you should enjoy this festival, right, [Summoner]?[召喚師]さんは寒いのは苦手じゃないんだ?よかった! それならお祭りを楽しめるね。
Ninian and I are deeply connected to ice. The blood of ice dragons flows through our veins, after all.ぼくもニニアンも、氷には縁があるんだ。ぼくたちの身体には氷竜の血が流れているからね。
Does this outfit suit me? Dressing in clothes fit for the occasion makes a festival more exciting, doesn't it?この装束、似合ってるかな?普段と違う格好をしているとお祭り気分が盛り上がるよね。

친구 방문

I'm Nils, a traveling bard. Come have fun with us at the ice festival over at [Friend]'s castle!ぼくはニルス。旅の吟遊詩人だよ。[フレンド]さんの城で氷の祭りをやってるから、遊びに来てよ!

레벨 업

How long has it been since I had fun like this? If only Ninian were here to enjoy the experience with me.こんなに楽しい時間を過ごしたのはいつぶりだろう…。ニニアンも一緒だったらな…。
Whoa. Don't get so intense. Let me play a relaxing tune for you to help you cool your head a bit.熱くなりすぎたんじゃない?一曲演奏してあげるから少し頭を冷やすといいよ。
I'm not quite my usual self... Could I have caught a cold? Do ice dragons even catch colds?調子出ないなあ。氷竜が風邪を引くなんてことあるのかな…?


You're giving this to me? Thank you! I love ice festivals even more now!これをぼくにくれるの? ありがとう!氷の祭り、大好きになっちゃった!

5성 40레벨 달성

I had a lot of fun! Were you able to enjoy the snow-and-ice festival too, [Summoner]?
Ninian and I traveled together a long, long time, believing that one day we would find a land of peace.
We hid ourselves from view because our power draws too much attention in the world of humans...
But people in Askr don't look at us with suspicion or fear. They invited us to a festival! Can you believe that?
It may be that Askr is exactly the kind of peaceful land the two of us have been searching for.
One day, we will return to Elibe, but we will never forget Askr. I can assure you, we'll come back here again!





오의 발동

This'll be chilly!冷たいよ!
How's this?これでどう?
I can do it.僕だって…
This'll end it!これで終わり!




Let's play some more.もっと遊ぼうよ
Hahaha. Aren't you tired?疲れてない?
Ninian and I are ice dragons. Well, a-actually, only half.僕とニニアンは氷竜なんだ。半分だけだけどね。
You're cold? Ahaha. I'm completely fine!ふふっ、寒い? 僕は全然平気だよ!
Oh this? I'm making a sculpture of Ninian. Like it?よいしょ、よいしょ…。ニニアンの像を作ってるんだ。
I had no idea everyone could come together to enjoy ice like this.氷をこんなふうにみんなで楽しめるなんて、知らなかったよ。
I know the perfect tune for this festival! M-mind if I play my flute?このお祭りにぴったりの曲があるよ。笛、吹いていい?

아군 턴 터치

Like this!わかった!
I'll keep it cool?どうする?
Festival fun time!お祭りだ!

캐릭터 페이지로