성야의 피는 어둠의 꽃 니노/대사


I'm Nino! I'm here for the winter festival! Is this the right place? I've got plenty of smiles to give!あたしの名前はニノ!冬祭りの会場はここでいいのかな?みんなに笑顔を届けたいな!

The whole town is glittering, like a starlit sky... And when I hear jingling bells, it puts a spring in my step!町中がキラキラして…とってもきれい!楽しそうな鈴の音に合わせて身体が勝手に動いちゃうね!
I'd sure like to deliver a present to Lloyd and Linus, too...ロイドにいちゃんやライナスにいちゃんにもプレゼントを届けてあげたいなぁ…
Check out this turkey leg I got! It's huuuuge! Want a bite?おいしそうな七面鳥をもらったよ![召喚師]さんも一緒に食べよう?
I want to write a card to go along with this present, but...I'm still studying. Can you help me out?プレゼントにはメッセージカードを付けるの? 字は勉強中だから書き方、教えてほしいな!
Have you seen Jaffar's outfit? I made it for him! Suits him perfectly, don't you think?ジャファルにも冬祭りの衣装を用意してあげたの。とーっても似合ってたよ!

친구 방문

I'm Nino! Brrr! It's so chilly lately... Oh, that reminds me...don't catch cold, [Friend] says!あたしニノ! 今日も寒いねー。[フレンド]さんから風邪を引かないようにって!

레벨 업

I hope everybody loves their presents!とっておきのプレゼント受け取ってほしいな!
I'll give it my all, just to see everybody smile!みんなの笑顔のために、がんばるよ!
Brrr! I'm so cold I can barely think straight!うう、寒くて力がでないよ〜。


A present for me? Gee, thanks!聖夜の贈り物かな? ありがとう!

5성 40레벨 달성

The snow's really coming down, but I don't even notice... Everyone's smiles make me toasty warm!
What I really love is figuring out the perfect gifts for the people I care about...
Over time, the joy spreads from person to person... And that means more smiles!
Of course, I want to see YOU smile too, so I've chosen the perfect gift... At least, I hope so!
I have to do my best to make sure the happiness continues even after the festival ends!





오의 발동

A night of wonders!すてきな夜だね!
Got a present for you!プレゼントだよ!
With all I've got...あたしの気持ち…
From me to you!受け取って!


I'm not even...sleepy...まだ…眠くないよ…


Ha ha.あはっ
I don't care for winter chills, but I love winter festivals!冬は寒くてやだけど、お祭りは大好き!
Look, the whole town is glittering! How beautiful.わあ! 町中ピカピカしてすごくきれい!
We should all gather around a warm fire and celebrate! That's what my family used to do.暖炉の前に家族みんなで集まれたら、きっと幸せだろうな…
My mother, my father, my brother... So many presents to get, and so little time to get them!母さんに父さんににいちゃんたち…プレゼント、たくさん用意しなくちゃ。
You haven't seen Jaffar around, have you? I've got a present with his name on it.ジャファルはどこ? プレゼント、受け取ってくれるかなあ。
I think I was pretty good this year. I wonder if I'll get any presents...あたし、いい子だったかな。プレゼントもらえるかな…
Here, I got something for you! Hope you like it...あのね、これ…あなたのために一生懸命選んだんだ。はい!

아군 턴 터치

For me?こっちかな?
Looks like snow!雪がふってきたよ!

캐릭터 페이지로