영원한 어린아이 노노/대사


I'm Nowi, a Manakete. That means I'm a dragon! I'm also over 1,000 years old, so I'll be your big sister!ノノはね、マムクートっていう竜人なの。千年とちょっと前に生まれたから、あなたよりはお姉さんだね、えっへん!

I wasn't sure when you yanked me to this place, but I like it here. It's pretty, and everyone is so nice!呼ばれた時はびっくりしたけど、ノノはここ気に入っちゃったな。きれいだし、みんな優しいし!
I was alone for a long, long time... But after I joined Chrom's army, I have lots of really fun friends!ノノはずっと一人ぼっちだったの。でも、クロムたちの軍に入ってからは毎日楽しいし、さみしくないんだよ!
Good job! I've been watching you work, and you've earned a reward. Bend down so I can pat your head.見回りして、えらいえらい!頑張ってるの、ノノはちゃんと見てるからあなたのこといい子いい子してあげる!
Wanna play hide-and-dragonseek? I'll be the dragon, and you can be the person I chase after!ねえねえ、ノノと竜おにごっこしない?竜になったノノが追いかけるから、[召喚師]は逃げる役!
I was just looking for shiny rocks! If you find one, let me know so I can put it in my pouch.ノノ、ぴかぴかの石を探してたところ!もし見つけたら教えてね。ノノの宝物にするんだ。

친구 방문

Hi! One of your friends asked me to come and say that to you. It was [Friend]!
Now I'm supposed to go straight home.

레벨 업

I feel like I could take on a whole army!ノノ、今なら何でもできそうな気分だよ!
Yes! Now we're talking!えっへん!ノノ強くなったよ!
Aw, I can do better than this...むー。ノノ、もっと強くなりたかったなー。


Neat power! Does it make me look taller?見て見て!ノノ、前とちょっと違うでしょ?

5성 40레벨 달성

Found you, [Summoner]! Let's play together! How about some hide-and-dragonseek? Tag?
Huh? You just want to chat? I like to run around a bunch, but if that's what you want, we can do that!
I love playing with you—you're nice and you're fun and I feel safe with you. Hm? Aww! How sweet!
Well, if that's how we both feel, let's stick together forever and ever!
Since I'm older, I'll be sure to always keep you safe, [Summoner]! It's a promise!
[召喚師]、みつけたー!今日もノノと一緒にあそぼうよ!!鬼ごっこにする? かくれんぼがいい?
へ? お話するのがいいの?ノノ、体を動かしたかったんだけど…あなたがそうしたいなら、いいよ!
そうなんだ! うれしい!じゃあずっとずーっと一緒にいてね!ノノはお姉さんだし強いから、





오의 발동

Who do you think I am?!ノノは強いよ!
I'm gonna crush you!ぺしゃんこにするよ!
Dragon rampage!暴れちゃうよー!




Hey, let's play a game!おにごっこして遊ぼうよ!
Don't worry—the big, tough dragon's got your back.大丈夫、ノノがついてるからね
Maybe in another thousand years I'll be able to reach the top shelf.あと千年もすれば、「ないすばでー」になれるよね
Dragon breath! Rawr!敵なんか、竜のブレスでやっつけちゃうよ!
I may not look it, but I'm actually older than you. Heehee!ノノはこう見えてあなたよりお姉さんなんだよ、えっへん!
I wonder where the best sparklies for my collection might be...ぴかぴかの石、見つけたら宝物にしたいなー
Alfonse and Sharena and Anna are the best! You're the best, too!ノノね、アルフォンスもシャロンもアンナも…それからあなたも、だいすきだよー!

아군 턴 터치

My turn?ノノの番?
Let's go!行こう行こう!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Gonna squish you flat!つぶしちゃうよ!
Now I'm really mad!おこったんだから!
Got this one!ノノ、負けない!
I'm pretty strong, huh?強いでしょ?

패배 - 신장

I'm exhausted.もう…つかれちゃった…

상태창 - 신장

I changed my clothes! Do you like it?ノノ、お着替えしてみたの! どう? 似合う?
Eek! You scared me! Oh, is this a game? In that case, I won't lose!きゃあっ! びっくりしたー…驚かしごっこ? ノノも負けないよ!
Hmm... Do these clothes make me look more mature?(鼻歌)このお洋服、お姉さんっぽく見えるかなあ?
I wish I could fight in these clothes, but I'm gonna turn into a dragon...このお洋服のまま戦いたいけど、ノノ、竜になっちゃうんだよね…
Hey, play hide-and-seek with me! You're it!ねえ、お城でかくれんぼして遊ぼうよ! あなたが鬼ね!
Everyone in this castle is very nice to me. It makes me so happy!このお城のみんなはとっても優しくしてくれるから、ノノ嬉しい!
You'll be my favorite forever!ノノはずーっと、あなたが大好きだからね!

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I heard you.わかったよ
Be right back!いってくるね

캐릭터 페이지로