마왕얼굴의 오보로/대사


My name is Oboro. I'm a spear fighter from Hoshido—and a pretty great tailor, if I say so myself!白夜王国の槍術士、オボロよ。お洒落な着物のことなら私に任せて。あなたに似合うものを仕立ててあげるわ。

Good thing you wear white. I grew up hating dark clothing. Like, really, really hating!
So if you ever catch me making a scary face, that's probably what's on my mind.
I'm Lord Takumi's retainer. He's so strong, beautiful, noble... *sigh* Couldn't be happier to serve him.私はタクミ様の臣下なのよ。タクミ様は強くて綺麗で、その上高貴なの。あの方にお仕えできて私…幸せだわ。
I heard you're not equipped to enter battle. No problem. I'll use my lance to protect you. Need to keep you safe!大丈夫? 怪我とかしていない?あなたは戦えないって聞いたから…戦場では私の槍で守ってあげるわね。
I'm curious what the fashions are like in this realm. Let's go find a tailor shop or clothing store sometime!今度、呉服屋に連れて行ってくれない?なければ洋装の店でも構わないわよ。どんな服が流行なのか、興味があるの。
So, you were summoned here suddenly too? I bet you don't have a change of clothes.
I'll make you something!

친구 방문

Oh, I really like your style! By any chance, are you [Summoner]?
I'm here to say hello from [Friend]!

레벨 업

Now that makes a statement!父さん、母さん…私、強くなったわ…
One step at a time!良かった。この調子ね。
Sorry. That didn't make me look very good.ぜ、全然お洒落じゃないわ…!


For all my talk of fashion, it's what's inside that counts.服は変わってないけど、内面はもっと素敵になったわよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, is something wrong, [Summoner]?
You haven't ruined your nice clothes, have you? Or ripped a stitch? Or spilled soup on yourself?
Oh, I'm only kidding. I know you come around for more than my needle and thread.
You know, I do like it when I see you in your nice, clean uniform. It's so dapper!
I like it even more when you don't get blood all over it—means you've come back safe from battle!
Clothes can always be replaced, but you're one of a kind. I just couldn't do without you.
So I promise to always protect you...and to help you keep your uniform in top shape!
あら、[召喚師]。今日はどうしたの? 服がほつれた?それともまたスープのシミでもつけたの?




My clothes!着物が…っ!

오의 발동

Oh, that's it!調子に乗らないで!
You're gonna need stitches.許さない…!
I'll tear a hole in you!引き裂いてあげる!
Coming through!そこ通るのよ!




Oh, did you need something?あら、どうしたの?
The clothing you and your friends wear here is very stylish. Impressed!あなたたちの服、すごくお洒落ね
I love to make clothing when I'm off duty. So, I'd kill for some good fabric. Have any?この国の布、あったら分けてくれないかしら
You would not believe the scary face I make when I get really, really angry!私、怒ると怖い顔になっちゃうのよ…
I'm particular about my clothes. But when it's time to fight...? I get dressed in a flash!出陣ならいつでも言って。私、支度は早いから
Oh, Lord Takumi... Where are you? I should be with you!タクミ様、どちらにいらっしゃるのかしら…
I like to keep my stitching abilities in top shape. So I'll mend everyone's clothing after battle!ここに来たからには役に立つつもりよ戦闘でもお裁縫でも、何でも言ってちょうだい

아군 턴 터치

Do my best.頑張るわ

캐릭터 페이지로