힘을 봉인한 자 오딘/대사
I am Odin Dark. Mage of Nohr! Twilight traveler! Infinite enigma! (And, hey, all-around nice guy.) | 俺は…漆黒のオーディン!宵闇に染まりし暗夜王国の呪術師だ…こう見えて従順なのでよろしく頼みます! |
Ah, friend of this force! Your order needs Heroes to face a grave threat. Well, Odin Dark is up to the task! | はっ! 貴様は機関の人間だな…!英雄たるこの俺を欲してここに…!?…って、登場の時に言えたら良かったです。 |
I serve Leo! Lord of Nohr. Prince of darkness. Man of umbral moods. (And a pretty awesome guy!) | 俺はレオン様の臣下なんです。レオン様はまさに闇の王子って感じで…神器も二つ名も決め台詞も最高なんですよ。 |
You, who purifies evil! Who purges malevolence! Slumber if you tire. (Basically, take breaks, OK?) | 貴様、さては特務機関の任務中だな…?陣営内の瘴気を浄化する…所謂見回り!疲れたら交代するんで、言ってくださいね。 |
This place! Oh, its forbidden rooms! Legendary weapons! Wondrous things! (Tons of stuff. So exciting!) | 今度、機関の建物を案内してくださいよー!かっこいい神器とか禁じられし部屋とか、血が騒ぐ何かがいっぱいあるんでしょう!? |
I specialize in probing beyond the ordinary words for weapons to find their true names of power! Missiletainn is the greatest such name I have ever known. I will give thought to what your weapon's true name is. | …相棒たる武器の名を思索していた。だがやはり、ミステルトィンを超える名は内なる智見より召喚できそうにないな… |
친구 방문
A friend of yours sent me with a missive of massive import. Now, [Friend] says... Hi. | 貴様の友[フレンド]より魂の真言を託されて馳せ参じたぞ…平たく言うと、あいさつ届いてます。 |
레벨 업
Yes! My true power awakens further! | あわわ…こんなに強くなるなんて…! |
My hidden potential hides less and less each day! | 俺の秘められし力が溢れ出てしまったか… |
What?! Has some foul influence leeched my growing power? | な、なんだ?闇よりの刺客か!? |
Oh, architect of my excellence! (Thanks for the bump, buddy!) | 貴様が俺に力を与えたのか…ほんとありがとうございます。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Ha! My third eye told me you would appear in this holy shrine to heroism and warfare. I would speak with the anointed champion, plucked by fate from— Wait, come back! Don't leave! I just wanted to say I knew I'd run into you if I waited here. I actually need to talk with you. I feel like we've gotten real close, and I don't want to keep secrets from you. I must therefore reveal that I am NOT Odin at all but a warrior of hope from another time...Owain! Yeah, yeah, enough with the theatrics... But let me tell you this: I have not and will not lie to you. | ふっ…来ると思っていたぞ。神秘の威光を放つこの契約の地で待てば静謐の深淵より選ばれし大英雄が現れると… あーーーすみません帰らないでください!ここなら会えると思って待ってたんですよ!俺、あなたに話があって。 俺たち最近、すげえ仲良くなりましたよね。だから、隠し事とかしたくないなと思って…思い切って真の名を告げに来たんです。 俺、ホントはオーディンじゃなくて、異なる時間軸より来る希望の戦士…ウードっていうんです!! へ? またいつもの妙な寸劇かって?そう思ってもらっても構いません。でも…俺はあなたにだけは、嘘は言いませんよ。 |
でやっ! | |
くらえ! |
ぐあっ! | |
Not so bad...! | なかなかやるな…っ! |
오의 발동
You can't hide from me! | 逃がすものか…! |
Eldritch Smackdown! | 必殺アウェーキング・ヴァンダー! |
Power...overflowing! | 魂が躍動する! |
Overdoing it—as usual! | 英霊の裁きだ… |
So...dark. | ここで、終わりか…… |
Heh | ふっ… |
Odin will always do his darkest to assist you. | えっと、役に立てるようがんばりますね! |
You have my infinite gratitude for watching over me. | 俺のこと気にしてくれて、ありがとうございます |
Hey! You should have some big lines to say when summoning! I'll think some up for you! | 貴様が召喚の儀を行う際のキメ台詞を考えてやろう… |
Summoner? Order of Heroes? You bask in the light of some powerful words, friend! | 特務機関所属の召喚師って、すげえ小洒落た肩書きだよな |
Odin Dark never fathomed that he would find himself in a place like this! | こんな場所に来てしまったのは予想外だ… |
Where is my excellent Lord Leo? I ought to be by his side! | レオン様はどこだ? こっちにはいらっしゃらないのか…? |
Your divine weapon's name is Breidablik? Oh, who am I kidding?! How cool is that! | 貴様の神器、いい面構えだな。名は…ブレイザブリクだと!?す、すげえかっこいい…俺、一生ついていきます! |
아군 턴 터치
All right! | ああ |
OK! | はーい |
So excited! | 血が騒ぐぜ… |
공격 - 신장
- | おりゃあっ |
- | 決めるぜ! |
피격 - 신장
- | ぎゃあっ |
- | おのれ…! |
오의 발동 - 신장
Join me in this dance of death... | 死へと誘おう… |
Eternal Requiem! | 必殺エターナル・レクイエム! |
This will be your grave! | ここが墓場だ! |
O soul of the Chosen! | 選ばれし魂よ…! |
패배 - 신장
The hand of death...upon me... | 俺が…死ぬのか… |
상태창 - 신장
- | ふう… |
This deathly garb ignites the smoldering flames of my slumbering soul—Oh, you think it suits me? Well, of course it does! Naturally you'd think so! | ふっ、この死の衣こそ我が魂を呼び覚ま…あっ、似合います? |
Ahhh! Wh-what? Don't surprise me like that! | うおっ!? な、何ですか。驚かせないでくださいよ… |
Hel, the realm of the dead...and the true homeland of all who fight with death ever at their side. Destiny will call me there, one day… Hmm, yeah, I can work with this. | 死の国ヘル…常に死と隣り合わせで戦う俺のいつか帰るべき故郷…か。 |
Hold, friend! I'm trying to come up with a new catchphrase worthy of this garb… | シッ…今、この衣装にふさわしい決め台詞を考えている… |
No, I haven't spoken to Princess Eir yet. Listen, she's just kind of hard to approach, OK? | エイル王女と話したかって? い、いや、何か近寄りがたくて… |
Lord Leo, where are you? You're gonna love my cool new look! | レオン様どこです? 俺のクールな姿見てくださいよ~! |
Your generosity brings life's warmth to my heart, whose beat had slowed, and inspires me to... Um... Well, I...I will continue to do my best. | 貴様の厚意に感謝して…その…えっと…これからもがんばります。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Yes? | おう |
Where do you beckon me? | どっちです? |
I feel something...shadowy. | 気配を感じる… |