하늘을 나는 무희 올리비에/대사
My name is Olivia, and from atop my falicorn I'll— Eek! W-wait, don't take off so suddenly! Please land! | 私、オリヴィエと申します!この子と一緒に空を…ああっ、待って、急に飛ばないでくださいー! |
Dancing is embarrassing enough, but dancing up in the sky is just plain dangerous! One mistake and I'll fall! | ああ、なぜでしょう…普段の踊りも恥ずかしいですけど、空で踊るともっと恥ずかしいです~! |
I've ridden in a wagon, of course, and on horseback. But never did I think I'd ride something that can fly! And I especially didn't imagine I'd be dancing all the way up there... | 馬や馬車には乗ることはありましたけど…まさか空で踊ることになるとは思ってもいませんでした…! |
Let me know if you start to feel worn out, OK? I'd be so glad if I could raise your spirits with a dance! | 疲れた時は言ってくださいね。私の踊りで、あなたを元気にしてさしあげられたら嬉しいです。 |
Oh, I was just giving my friend here a much-needed brushing. Judging by his reaction, he really likes it! | ああ、これですか?この子の毛の手入れをしているんですよ。こうしてあげると、気持ちいいみたいです。 |
I just got back from the market. I found a ton of fruits and vegetables that I know falicorns just love! | 市場に行ってきたんです。ファルコンの好きな野菜と果物をいっぱい買ってきちゃいました! |
친구 방문
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Olivia, a dancer with Chrom's Shepherds. I've been entrusted with a letter to you from [Friend]. | [フレンド]さんからお手紙を預かってきました。私、踊り手のオリヴィエと申します。 |
레벨 업
I feel like I'm flying all on my own! Is this what it means to be one with your steed? | これが人馬一体、でしょうか?私が空を飛んでるみたいです! |
My partner and I became fast friends. He's such a good boy! | この子と友達になれたみたいです。よしよし、いい子いい子。 |
Hey, whoa! Stop! Listen to me! No, you're going the wrong way! | ちょっと、ああん!ちゃんと言うことを聞いてー!そ、そっち行っちゃダメです~! |
Thank you! I promise I'll use this to soar to even grander heights! | うふふ、嬉しいです。もっともっと素敵に飛べるようにがんばりますね。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
O-oh! Were you watching me dance? Well, yes, you have a good eye... It is a brand-new dance I'm working on. But please don't tell anyone about it! It's not ready for an audience yet, so promise me. OK? I thought I could make my dances much more expressive by making better use of the sky and my falicorn. Flying through the sky on his back for the first time was such a moving experience for me. The sound of cutting through the wind, the color of the sky, the brisk air all around me... I want to convey all of those things through my dancing! My hope is to give people who have never flown before a sense of how amazing it is. I've been trying a lot of new moves, but it isn't going as well as I had hoped. I've taken my fair share of tumbles lately... But when this new dance is finally ready, I want you to be the first person who sees it! | わ、見られちゃいました!一体何をしていたかって…うう…みなさんには黙っていて下さいね? 実は、新しい踊りの練習をしていたんです。この子と一緒に空を使って踊れたら、もっと素敵じゃないかなって思って… はじめて空を飛んだ日…風を切る音も、空の色も、少し冷たい空気も全部がすごく、すごく感動的で~ 空を飛んだことがない人にも、あの感動を伝えられないかなと思って…いろいろ試しているんですよ~。 まだ全然うまくいかなくて、振り落とされては地面に転がってますけど…完成したら真っ先に見てもらいますね! |
それっ! | |
えーいっ |
きゃああっ! | |
そんなあ…! |
오의 발동
Please don't watch! | 目をつぶってくださいっ! |
Eeeee-AAAHH!! | ひゃ…ひゃああっ! |
I've got a dance partner now! | この子と一緒に! |
This is too high up! | 高いですーっ! |
I'm...falling... | (ペガサスから)落ち…ちゃい…ます… |
Well... | えっと… |
I never know what to do! | やっぱり恥ずかしいです… |
A gift from above! | 空から失礼します… |
This is all so new to me. I'm used to dancing on a stage...on the ground... | この子に乗って、空の上で踊るなんて、初めてです… |
Oh! It's you! You, um... Y-you haven't been watching me practice, have you? | きゃっ!? い、いつからご覧になってたんですか? |
The sky makes for a much higher stage than I'm used to... It gets my heart pounding. | 空の上は、舞台よりももっと高くて…どきどきします… |
I've been practicing a dance with my new partner. | この子と一緒に、踊りの練習をがんばります |
If you'd like, I can arrange for you to watch my dance from a special seat atop another—oh! Oh, never mind, it's too embarrassing! | よろしければ、私の踊りを、空の上の特別な席で…は、恥ずかしいですー! |
아군 턴 터치
We dance! | わかりました |
What's next? | どうしましょうか? |
The sky is my stage! | 空が舞台です |