상냥한 장녀 파오라/대사


I am Palla. I belong to the Macedonian Whitewings, but I traveled to Valentia for, let's say, personal reasons.私はパオラ。マケドニア白騎士団の一員なんだけど今は訳あってバレンシア大陸にいるの。

I know they aren't the same Princess Minerva and Prince Michalis, yet I'm still nervous around them...違う世界の方々だとわかっていてもミネルバ様やミシェイル様を前にすると緊張するわ…
I went all the way from Macedon to Valentia, looking for Est... Looking back, it was quite the journey.妹のエストを捜してマケドニアからバレンシア大陸に渡ったの。とても長い旅だったわ。
Please don't hesitate to bring me your troubles. I am the eldest of us three, after all. I'm a good listener!困ったことがあったら何でも相談してね。大丈夫、お姉さんに任せなさい。
I'm about to make my rounds of the castle. Why don't you come along? We can keep each other company.お城の近辺を見回りに行ってくるわ。あなたも一緒に行かない?いろいろお話ししましょうよ。
Est! Hey, Est! That's not my Est, you say, but an Est from another world? Just how many are there?今、エストを見かけたような気がするんだけど…え? あの子も違う世界の?

친구 방문

I was sent by a friend of yours to check up on how you're faring. Oh, it was [Friend]!ご機嫌はいかが?[フレンド]さんがあなたが元気か気にしてたわ。

레벨 업

I still have a way to go, but this is clear progress, and for that I am thankful.まだまだ精進しないと…でも嬉しいわ。
Let's look on the bright side... I have more room for growth!まだ伸びしろがあるってことよ。
This just won't do. You have my apologies.不甲斐ないわ…ごめんなさい。


As the eldest Whitewing I will do my utmost to ensure that I live up to your expectations.ご期待に沿えるよう、お姉さん張り切っちゃうから。

5성 40레벨 달성

Perfect timing! I've been wanting to have a little chat with you for some time.
It's just that... Well, this place is so different from my world, and I'm having a little trouble taking it all in.
It's hard not to feel overwhelmed, but at the same time, I know I have to set a good example for my sisters.
"Just take it a day at a time," hmm? That's very kind of you to say, [Summoner].
Somehow I feel more myself when I'm with you. I hope I'll continue to have your ear in the future.
え? 無理をすることはない…?[召喚師]さん…ありがとう。





오의 발동

Leave this to me.任せてちょうだい
You'll go no further!通さないわ
You'll understand soon enough!勝ってみせる…!
Not a chance!もうあきらめて


I've failed you, Est...ダメな…お姉さんね…


I'm Palla. I've come from Archanea in search of my sister.パオラよ。アカネイア大陸から妹を探しに来たの。
What? Please...pester someone else.きゃっ…もう、からかわないでちょうだい。
My youngest sister, Est, was kidnapped by pirates. I hope she's safe.妹のエストは海賊に攫われたの。無事でいてほしいのだけど…
The people of Valentia were unfailingly kind to us.バレンシア大陸の人たちは、みんな親切でいい人たちなの。
I keep running into different versions of my sisters here in Askr! I can hardly believe my eyes.この世界にはたくさんの私の姉妹たちがいるのね。驚いたわ。
Oh, Abel... No, I mustn't. These feelings are for me and for me alone.アベル…。いけない、この気持ちは閉じ込めておかなくちゃ…
You're a mysterious one, aren't you? When I'm at your side, I somehow feel that everything will turn out all right.あなたは不思議な人ね。そばにいるだけで心が安らいでいく…

아군 턴 터치

I'll handle it.任せて
I wonder...そうね…
It's already done.やってみるわ

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