기사 중의 기사 퍼시벌/대사


I am Perceval, Knight General of Etruria. If war has visited this land, I vow to lend you my strength.私は【騎士軍将】パーシバル。この地に争いがあるというのなら騎士の誓いにかけて、力になろう。

Loyalty is the first principle for a knight. It can, however, preclude action—and a knight must act.騎士は、忠を尽くすことこそ第一義。だが、それに縛られ動けぬこともある…ままならないものだ。
Etruria is rich in history and naturally abundant. That has bred stagnancy and corruption.
I will see it returned to glory.
Diligence is a virtue. But there is such a thing as too much focus. You should rest as necessary.勤勉であることは美徳だ。しかし、何事も過ぎれば毒になる。的確な休息を取るがいい。
The fighting has gone on for so long, yet you remain unarmed. I am in awe of your courage.これほどの戦いが続く中で、帯剣せずに丸腰とは…その胆力、恐れ入る。
No, I am not sad. I was merely thinking. This is just my natural expression.考えごとをしていた。…別に、不機嫌なわけではない。もともとこういう顔なのだ。

친구 방문

I come to offer you my humble respects, dispatched as a messenger by [Friend].[フレンド]の遣いで参った。[召喚師]殿に取次ぎを願う。

레벨 업

Watch me demonstrate the pride of an Etrurian knight!われらエトルリア騎士の誇り、今こそ見せる時!
I will continue to strive to fulfill my duty as a knight.いかなる時も役目を果たすために努める。それが騎士のあるべき姿だ。
I have failed you.不覚…


I will remain steadfast in my duty.騎士の務め、果たしてみせよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I swore loyalty to my country. I had girded myself to fight till the very end.
War steals much from us. The earth is itself scarred, the people starve. The lot of the weak is made harsher.
And the country, well... Its sovereignty, once lost, is not easily recovered. A war must be ended quickly.
I know you are not a knight. Yet I wanted to foment understanding, as comrades in battle.
We must fight with pride and protect the powerless. That is the knightly ideal, at the least.
Let us walk into battle together— our heads held high.





오의 발동

How reckless.命知らずだな
Withdraw while you can!退くがいい
I've no choice then!迷うことなどない!
I'll stake my life!一命をかけて!


I have no regrets...悔いはない…


I am Perceval, proud Knight General of Etruria.私はパーシバル。誇りあるエトルリアの騎士軍将だ。
What?! You dar—? No...perhaps you are merely confused.!? …お前は天真爛漫…いや、情緒不安定か…?
I will see my home country of Etruria restored—and more prosperous than ever.我が祖国エトルリアは蘇る。これまで以上の繁栄と共に。
We must end this war soon. For the sake of all those who cannot defend themselves.争いは早く終わらせなければな。抵抗する術を持たぬ人々のために。
I have been told my face lacks expression. Do you...agree with that?無表情だとよく言われるのだが…お前もそう思うか。
I have pledged my blade to my lord Prince Myrddin—and to him alone.私が剣をささげた主はミルディン王子おひとりだけだ。
You are...beyond my understanding... Of course, I intend no offense.お前は私の理解の枠を超えているようだ。…悪い意味ではないぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Fair enough.そうだな…
It will be so!命にかえても!

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