음몽의 플루메리아/대사


I am Plumeria, the lewd dream, a noble dökkálfr of Dökkálfheimr.
Now that you've summoned me... what are you planning to do?

Ah... I can feel your mortal gaze pass over me, dripping with desire. How repulsive.ああ…欲望に満ちた人間たちの視線。なんていやらしいのでしょう…
I drank of the dream nectar, and was given a new life as a dökkálfr—a life shaped by Lady Freyja's love.私は夢の中で蜜を飲み…黒妖精としての生を受けました。フレイヤ様が私に愛をくれたのです。
People are happier indulging in their fantasies than wading through this harsh reality... Don't you agree?辛い現実よりも愛される夢に溺れるほうが幸せ…あなたもそう思うでしょう?
I want to be loved...needed... Isn't that what everyone dreams of?誰かに愛されたい…誰かに必要とされたい…みんな、そう望むものではありませんか?
Throughout this castle, wretched mortals engage in questionable acts... Utterly deplorable.この城で、いやらしい人間たちがいかがわしい行いをするのですね…不健全の極みです。

친구 방문

I am Plumeria, and I was sent here by [Friend]'s love...私は淫夢のプルメリア。[フレンド]はもう終わりのない愛の夢に溺れています…

레벨 업

A dream of love overflowing, a love never ending...愛で満たされた夢を見ましょう。永遠に目覚めることなく…
The grand existence of a dökkálfr is above that of a vulgar mortal.黒妖精は気高き存在。いやらしい人間たちとは違うのですから。
Stop your staring.…いやらしい目で見るのはやめてくれませんか?


Hmm... And just how are you planning to use this?ああ…この見返りに私に何をさせるつもりですか?

5성 40레벨 달성

Before...I was never loved. And no one accepted my love. And then my mortal life ended.
I wanted to feel loved... I needed to be needed...
The love my mother had for men... that obscene love between mortals is something that I always detested.
Yet...even now, deep down, I still want only to be loved.
Even if only for a moment. Even if it's all a lie...
Will you...love me?





오의 발동

How crass.不潔です
Utterly shameless.破廉恥ですね
Melt away.溶けてください
Such indecency...淫らな夢を


I knew it.私に…何を…するつもりです…?


A dream debased.快楽の夢を…
I'll get you going.元気にしてあげます
Yes, I am Plumeria of the dökkálfar, and I have seen your secret dreams...the ones no one else ever sees...私は黒妖精プルメリア。ある種の…夢を見せる妖精です。
...Humans. You cannot help but be vulgar, can you?きゃぁっ!? な、なんて破廉恥な…これだから人間は嫌いです。
The depravity of human desire seems to know no bounds... Your fantasies, beyond filthy.人間たちのいやらしい欲望には呆れます。あんな夢を望むだなんて…
...S-so dark... Someone...please... Help me...…くらい…つめたい… だれか…助けて…だれか…
You are but one of innumerable wretched humans. And yet, here I am...あなたもやっぱり、ただのいやらしい人間です。でも…

아군 턴 터치

Why not.はい
Close your eyes.おやすみなさい
Oh, I'll do it.服従します

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