심창의 공주님 프리실라/대사
My name is Priscilla. If it's not too much trouble, could I stay with you for a while? | 私はプリシラと申します。もし、ご迷惑でなければ私も連れていっていただけませんか? |
I have heard that my brother, Raymond, is going by the name Raven these days. What's more, he now works as a mercenary. I can't imagine what changed him so thoroughly! | 私の兄、レイモンド兄さまは…今はレイヴァンと名乗り、傭兵をしているとか…いったい何があったのでしょうか…? |
I'm the daughter of Count Caerleon. But, you see, my true lineage is quite a complicated story. | カルレオン伯爵家の娘です。でも、私の生い立ちは複雑で…話すと長くなってしまいます… |
Oh, Raymond... My Raymond... Whatever happened to you, dear brother of mine? | …レイモンド兄さま… |
I'm not skilled in battle. I find it all barbaric and terrifying. I'd rather stay in the castle. | 私、戦いは得意ではありません。野蛮で、恐ろしくて…このお城にいる間は安心ですけれど… |
Care to sit down for some tea? I have some sweets, thanks to the kind people here! | ご一緒に紅茶でもいかがですか?お城の方々から、美味しいお菓子もいただいたんです。 |
친구 방문
My name is Priscilla. I come with greetings from your friend [Friend]. | 私はプリシラと申します。[フレンド]さんにかわり、御挨拶に参りました。 |
레벨 업
Is this an exceptional result? I haven't the faintest! | とても良い結果、でしょうか?よくわかりませんが… |
Was that an acceptable result? I do hope so. | どうなのでしょう…?妥当な結果なのでしょうか…? |
I fear that was not nearly good enough. | …よくわかりませんが、あまり良くない気がします… |
How curious that you're making me more powerful! | 私をこんなに強くして…どうなさるおつもりでしょう…? |
5성 40레벨 달성
May I ask you a question? I don't mean to trouble you. But...do I seem stronger to you? I barely recognize myself in the mirror, now that I've been here for a while. I knew nothing of the world—or worlds—before all of this. And what did I know of battle? I've changed so much, and I believe that you deserve much of the credit. Don't you? Well, some goes to me. I do think that you and I make a fine team. And I hope we always will! | あの、どうですか?私、また強くなれたでしょうか? 自分でも信じられないです。世間知らずで、争い事とは無縁だった私が… あなたのおかげで今ではこんなに成長して…まるで生まれ変わってしまったみたい… 私をこんな風にしてしまったのは、あなたなんですから…ちゃんと、責任…とってくださいね? ふふっ…冗談です。これからも、よろしくお願いしますね。 |
はいっ | |
それっ |
きゃああっ! | |
...It can't... | …そんな… |
오의 발동
Here I go! | いきます… |
This shouldn't be necessary! | 恨みます… |
I won't have it! | いけません! |
I'll ease your pain. | 楽にしてあげます |
Brother...! | せめて…もう一度… |
Heehee... | ふふ… |
Care is my calling. | お怪我を… |
I'll ease your pain. | 楽にしてあげます |
If you find yourself injured? Please find me. I'll heal you immediately. | 怪我をなさったら、すぐ来てください |
What an exceptional individual you are. | あなたは、変わった方ですね |
Someone once made me a very important promise. | 約束…ですよ |
I'd like to say I'm above jealousy. But there have been occasions. | …嫉妬するなんて、恥ずかしい… |
I will stay by your side for as long as you need me. | お好きなだけ、お傍にいます |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | わかりました |
As you will. | どうしましょう? |
Onward. | 行きます |