냉정한 궁수 파이슨/대사


Hey! Name's Python. Uh...where are we, anyway? And just so we're clear, I ain't much for chores, all right?
So don't go gettin' any ideas...

With all these hoity-toity royals and Heroes around, this war must be about to end...right?王族だの英雄だのこんなにいるんだからこんな戦い、さっさと終わりそうなもんなのになあ。
Yeah, I joined the Deliverance 'cause Forsyth invited me, but...I'm gettin' tired of the whole war situation...
Wake me up when it's over... Deal?
If training's wearing you down...just skip a few sessions! Ya gotta carve out time for yourself once in a while.疲れたらサボりゃいいんだよ。自分より大事なもんなんてそうそうねえんだからさ。
Know a good place to catch a few winks? Feel free to join me! Some jobs are just made for ditchin'.どっか昼寝にいい場所知らねえ?ついでに一緒にサボろうぜ。たまにはいいだろ?
Huh? I wasn't up to anything. Just starin' off into space... Do you...have a problem with that?別に何にもしてねえよ。ボーっとしてた。悪い?

친구 방문

Huh. Guess this place is about what I imagined it'd be... Wait—you are [Summoner], aren't ya?あんたが[召喚師]?[フレンド]の友達の?ふーん…思った通りの顔。

레벨 업

Nice one, Python! ...Yeah, I welcome any and all praise. Even from myself!おお。俺やるじゃーん。褒めてくれてもいいよ?
Hmm... That felt, well...normal. Nothin' wrong with normal, though!なんつーか…普通?まあ普通が一番でしょ。
Woof. That was...not great. Everyone has off days, though, right?ありゃ、やっちゃった…まあこんな日もあるって。


Can't say I don't appreciate this, but... what're you expectin' me to do with this, exactly?何、俺に期待しちゃってんの?まあ悪い気はしないけどさ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, it's you. Sorry if you expected me to thank you for summoning me... It's just I already had plenty to do.
Seriously. Couldn't you have taken care of all this yourself? You needed MY help? C'mon—did ya even try?!
Whatever. Too late now! Not sendin' me back anytime soon, I imagine... Fine. I'll do what needs doin'...
But AT LEAST tell me what's in it for me... Bribery does wonders for my motivation, y'know!
By the time I head back, I expect ya to have a nice reward ready for ol' Python. Better get started planning!
自分たちでなんとかしてよ。何? ならないから呼んだ?えー…努力が足りないんじゃない?
…そうだ。あんたが考えてよ。俺が帰るまでになんかご褒美をさ。よし、決まり! 楽しみにしてるぜ。





오의 발동

You've earned this.恨まないでよ
Sorry, but it ends here!はーい、ここまで!
Hah! You don't stand a chance!俺の方が強いのよ
Are you crying?あれ、泣いちゃった?




Ha ha ha.ひひっ
You been waiting for me? Name's Python. Guess we'll be workin' together.は~い、お・ま・た・せ。…なんてね。パイソンだ。よろしく。
Whaaat? What's your problem? Grow up already!…うわ、なに? そういうことする? お前いくつよ?
Nothing beats The Deliverance, but you guys aren't bad I guess...解放軍もにぎやかだったけど、ここも大概だなあ…
Forsyth is nice enough, but man can he be a pain at times. If he starts talkin' your ear off...just walk away.フォルスはなあ、単純なのにめんどくさいんだよ。あとうるさい。
Smell that? It reeks of royalty in here...王様やらお姫様やら、こんだけいると有難味ないわー
You mean I stop everything I'm doing to come all the way to another world...and now I gotta WORK? Where did I go wrong...異世界まできて働かなきゃなんないの? 俺、何か悪いことした?
Well, if you reeaaaally need it, I can help out. Unless I don't want to...then I won't.ま、俺にできることならやってやるよ。できないことはしないけど。

아군 턴 터치

Whatever you say...りょうかーい
Do I have to?やればいんでしょ

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