고귀한 용병 레이반/대사


I'm Raven. Just a mercenary. Nothing more to it.俺の名はレイヴァン。…ただの傭兵だ。

Like I said, I'm just a mercenary. Not really the type to rub elbows with any royalty around here.…俺はただの傭兵だ。まわりの王侯貴族たちとは話が合いそうにないな…
People say I look mad all the time. They can say what they want. If I hear it, though? Then I get mad.いつも怒っているように見える…だと?随分失礼なやつだな。ああ、今は本当に怒っているぞ…
I have to give it to you. You fight with brains, not brawn. Wish I had the knack for that.お前のことは評価している。力こそないが…知恵で戦う、俺にはない強さを持っている。
I have my reasons for fighting, and for pushing myself to get stronger, and for getting flexible with weapons.俺には戦う目的があった。そのために力をつけ、武器を替え、強さを追い求めてきた。
I used to rely on a sword, but the stronger I get, I think the axe suits me better.もともとは剣を使っていたが…力を頼りにする俺にとってこの斧は性に合っている。

친구 방문

My business here is with [Summoner].
That you? I'm here on behalf of someone else.

레벨 업

Couldn't hope for better.上出来だ。これ以上ないくらいにな。
Fine results.悪くない。十分な結果だ。
Not nearly enough. No way.駄目だ。こんなことでは…


Power? Like this? You have my thanks.感謝する。これほどの力を感じたことはない…

5성 40레벨 달성

It's nothing worth talking about, but there's something I might as well tell you, [Summoner].
A long time ago, I was from a royal house—a house that was destroyed by our enemies.
That was why I became a mercenary—to seek revenge on those who did it.
I sought power—and always more of it—to better exact my revenge.
But now, none of that matters. I've come to my senses after watching you at work here.
Does any of that make sense? If not, forget I said anything. I'll still fight hard for you.




That was unfortunate...無様だな…

오의 발동

Foes must fall.敵は倒す
Now, my turn.行くぞ
Be silent.もう黙れ
Settle down.おとなしくしてろ


Better than this...こんなものなのか、俺は…


I take it we're here to discuss something?俺に言いたいことでもあるのか?
Is this touching stuff some sort of amusement?…何の冗談だ?
Likes? Dislikes? Oh, I don't know. I like meat, I guess?強いて言えば…肉が好きだ
People say I scowl. Hmph. What do they know?…怖い顔だとよく言われる。
I'm not angry. This is just my face.…怒ってはいない。これが地(じ)だ
Glad to fight for you. Long as it doesn't get in the way of...well, never mind.俺には、やるべき事がある…
Need me? Just say so.何かあったら俺に言え。

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行くぞ

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

The gift of death.死をくれてやる
Your life ends here.これで終わりだ
I'll make it quick.黙って倒れろ
You won't feel a thing.安らかに眠るがいい

패배 - 신장

Is it my time...?俺は…死ぬのか…

상태창 - 신장

Yeah, yeah, new outfit. Don't even bother—I've already heard it all.ああ、新しい服だ。それがどうかしたか?
Hey, watch it! You got a problem with me or something?ん? 何だ、突然ぶつかったりして。具合が悪いのか?
This wouldn't be my first choice of gear, but it's hard to complain when it gets the job done.…不満がある訳じゃない。本当に服などどうでもいいんだ。
Lucius seems to actually like this outfit... Not sure what he sees in it, but I guess that makes it worth it.ルセアには褒められた。あいつが喜ぶのは悪くない。
Priscilla won't stop hounding me about these clothes... Listen, if she asks, you didn't see me. Got it?妹がなにやら興奮していて…すまないが匿ってくれ。
Death is a mercenary's worst enemy and best friend. If you can't come to terms with that, you won't survive.死は背中合わせに常にあるものだ。恐れていては戦場に立てん。
I'm here for you, not the money. If you ever need a hand, just let me know and I'll do what I can.お前の力になりたいと思っている。いつでも頼るといい。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Got it.わかった
Let's end this.倒すのみだ

캐릭터 페이지로