소인국의 계승자 레긴/대사


I'm Reginn, princess of Niðavellir. I don't have my brothers with me, but...I'll prove I'm a strong leader!ニザヴェリル王国の王女、レギンなの。お兄ちゃん達はもういないけど…私がみんなを導いてみせるの!

I'm doing my best to make my brothers proud... I hope they watch over me.お兄ちゃんたち…私、がんばるから見守っててね…
This thing floating beside me is a drone! It sure helps me out a lot.このふわふわしてるのは、ドローンっていうんだって!私を助けてくれるの。
I've got a seiðjárn tool that's super convenient. I'd like to gift one to you if I could, [Summoner].[召喚師]さんにも魔道科学の便利な道具をプレゼントしたいなあ。
We should take a walk together! Uh... Huh? You want to ride a Gullinbursti? Sure, hop on behind me!一緒にお散歩に行こうよ!…え、グリンブルスティに乗りたいの?いいよ、後ろに乗ってなの!
I'd like to send my drone on an errand for me, but...I don't know if I can.ドローンさん、お使いしてきてほしいんだけどできる?…あ、悩んでる。

친구 방문

"Sorry I couldn't make it myself," from, [Friend].
That's in case you're wondering why I'm here alone.

레벨 업

Nice! I wonder if my drone had anything to do with this.やったあ!ドローンさんのおかげかな?
I'm doing my best!私、がんばったの!
Maybe my Gullinbursti needs a tune-up?グリンブルスティ、調子が悪いのかな…?


This power... It's new to me. I'll use it to the best of my ability. You'll see!新しい力ね?上手く使ってみせるの!

5성 40레벨 달성

Thank you for bringing me into the Order of Heroes, [Summoner].
When we first met, we didn't have a choice in working together to stop my brothers, but now's different...
We've chosen to be friends and I cherish everyone here.
They're all from different worlds, with different pasts. But everyone is determined to create a better future.
It's time I grow strong and learn all I can from them, so that I can protect Niðavellir.
I know my brothers will be watching over me. And I hope you'll support me, [Summoner]!





오의 발동

I found my way!もう迷わないの!
I will fight!私が守るの!
For Niðavellir...ニザヴェリルの為に…
I'm stronger now!見ててね、お兄ちゃん!


Won't give up...絶対…あきらめないの…


Do you think people can see that this gear makes me stronger? I sure feel stronger!私、強くなったの! どうどう? かっこいいかなあ?
*yelp/scream* I don't usually scare easily... I'm not a child anymore.ひゃーっ!? …と…、驚く…私では…もうないん…だから……
I wish I could grow big and strong like Princess Dagr. Maybe in my dreams...ダグ王女はおっきくってかっこいいの。私も大きくなりたいなー。
I want to be a proper queen. To do that I need to fight and get stronger!立派な女王になるために、たくさん戦って強くならなきゃなの!
I'm learning more about seiðjárn now! Though... most of it's like gibberish to me.今ね、魔道科学のお勉強してるの。まだまだちんぷんかんぷんだけど…
My dear brothers... I'm doing my best to make you proud. Please, watch over me.お兄ちゃんたち…私、がんばるから見ててね…
If anyone picks on you, I'll blast them away with my Gullinbursti!あなたをいじめる人は、グリンブルスティで跳ね飛ばしちゃうの!

아군 턴 터치

Got it!了解なの!
What should I do?どうすればいい?
Setting off!いってきます!

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