성왕의 반신 루플레/대사
I'm Robin, a tactician of Ylisse. Being called a Legendary Hero is humbling. ...What do they say about me? | 僕はイーリスの軍師ルフレ。伝承の英雄だなんて…気恥ずかしいな…でも、どんな物語なのかは知りたいね。 |
Powerful forces gather here from across time and space, I see... And you form bonds with each of them. | 時空を越えて、大いなる力の集う城。数多の英雄と絆の契りを結ぶ召喚師、[召喚師]か―― |
Chrom saved me. He told me that my life was worth living—that we could change my fate together... | クロムは僕を救ってくれたんだ。生きていていいと言ってくれた。共にいてほしいと…… |
You shouldn't fall asleep in a place like this or you'll catch cold. Come, let's get you to a proper bed. | こんな所で寝てると風邪を引くよ。ほら、ちゃんとベッドで横になって―― |
I consider myself a tactician; that is how Chrom always referred to me... You and I are similar in that regard. | 自分のことは軍師だと思っているよ。クロムがそう言ってくれたからだけど…そんなところも、僕と君は似ているね。 |
I'd like to meet Heroes from other worlds—those with knowledge about dragons, if at all possible... | 他の世界の英雄を紹介してほしいんだ。そうだね…できれば、竜について詳しい人を。 |
친구 방문
Greetings. I am Robin. I've wanted to meet you since first hearing of you from [Friend]. | こんにちは、僕はルフレ。[フレンド]に聞いて一度君に会いたいと思ったんだよ。 |
레벨 업
It's the duty of a tactician to look for the next move even after a success. One mustn't rest on their laurels. | 僕らの運命の星が輝いているね。でも、ここで一喜一憂することなく次の最善手を探すのが軍師の役目だよ。 |
That strategy played out beautifully. Let's keep this up and press on toward victory. | 策が見事に成功したね。このまま勝利への道を進もう。 |
I wish I could say this is all according to plan...but these things happen. | 想定内…と言いたいところだけど。こういうことも起こるんだよ。 |
I can't believe I'm a Legendary Hero... I'd feel odd telling Chrom and the others. I simply want to offer support. | それにしても僕が伝承の英雄だなんて。とてもクロムたちには話せないよ。僕はみんなを応援していただけだから… |
5성 40레벨 달성
If the name Robin is now a legend, it's only proof that I was saved from my fate by Chrom and the others. Lucina once told me that in a cruel future, shrouded in darkness, I had killed someone I held dear... I don't know how that fate changed... There was never any obvious sign. I only know my friends didn't give up. Chrom, Lucina...all of them fought against that fate without reservation. They held their hopes close. When such hearts cry out to one another like that, they can join to create something powerful. As Chrom says, we changed fate... That's the power of those bonds. I should know. I'm living proof. I can tell that you have bonds that are just as strong. That is why I want to protect this world of yours. | 僕がルフレとして伝承されたのだとしたら、それは僕が、クロムやみんなとの絆に救われた証だと思うんだ。 いつかルキナが言っていた。闇に閉ざされた絶望の未来で、僕は大切な人を殺したのだと…… どこでその運命が変わったのかはわからない。世界が割れる音も、啓示の光もなかった。確かなことは、みんなが諦めなかったこと。 クロムが、ルキナが、みんな一人一人が諦めることなく運命に抗い続けた。自分の心の奥底にある希望を信じて―― そんな魂の叫びが自然と人を結び付け、繋がり合って、大きな力を成したのだと僕は思う。 クロムの言葉を借りればそれが運命を変えた――人々の絆がね。当事者の一人として、僕はそれを実感した。 きっと君も、そんな絆を束ねる人なんだ。[召喚師]の世界を僕も傍で見守りたい…そう思っているよ。 |
- | やっ |
- | これで… |
- | くっ… |
- | 手強いな… |
오의 발동
Defeat is not an option! | 僕は負けない! |
All according to plan. | 策にはまったね |
I'll put an end to this. | 終わらせるよ |
For my friends! | みんなのために… |
It can't end this way... | 倒れる…わけには… |
- | ふう… |
Me? Legendary? I don't see how. | 僕が伝承の英雄? 大げさだよ。 |
*startled* You're quite the mischief-maker! | ひゃあっ…!? 困った人だな、君は。 |
If my achievements are worthy of legend, it's only because I've had the support of so many wonderful friends and allies. | 僕が言い伝えられるほど活躍したんだとしたら、それはみんなのおかげだ。 |
I'm sure Chrom will find it hilarious that people think of me as a Legendary Hero. | 伝承の英雄なんて、クロムが聞いたら笑うだろうな。 |
This is a tactician's outfit. Let me guess—you have one just like it. | これは軍師の衣装だよ。君とお揃い…になるのかな。 |
Thank you, everyone. Thank you for believing in me. | みんな、ありがとう。僕を信じてくれて… |
If my strategies are of any use to you at all, then I'm happy. | 僕の策が君を助けることができたら、こんなに嬉しいことはないよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
I see a way forward. | なるほど |
Is there a problem? | 悩みどころだね |
We'll carve a path. | 道を拓こう |