봉염의 젊은 사자 로이/대사


I am Roy, son of the Marquess of Pherae. If you need help, I'll lend you a hand. Together, we'll prevail!ぼくはフェレ侯爵家のロイ。何か困っているのなら、力になるよ。共に戦おう!

A battle cannot be won alone. So many people support me that I can't even count them all.
I am grateful to every single one of them. I must be.
In the past, humans and dragons fought. But I believe it's always possible to reach an understanding.かつては互いに争っていた、人と竜…けれど、気持ちや想いは通じ合う。ぼくはそう信じているんだ。
You look a bit grim, friend. We're all here for you, so don't fret!あれっ、なんだか険しい表情をしてるね。そんな顔だと、みんなに心配されるよ?ほら、笑顔、笑顔。
You can use magic, can you? My teacher told me I'm not cut out for it. Even so, I'd still like to try...きみ、やっぱり魔法が使えるの?ぼくは先生から向いてないって言われて…今でも、少し憧れてるんだ。
Just a little sword practice. I have a lot to learn, so I feel a lot of pressure to keep at it.剣の素振りをしていたんだよ。ぼくはまだまだ未熟だからこうしていないと、落ち着かなくて。

친구 방문

My name is Roy, and I've been sent to greet you on behalf of [Friend].[召喚師]さん?ぼくはロイ。[フレンド]の代理で挨拶にきたんだ。

레벨 업

The battle continues! I must have the strength to win it.まだ戦いは続く…だから、負けない強さをこの手に!
Not bad, but I can't let myself become complacent.まあまあなのかな。でも、満足してはいけないね。
No matter what befalls me, I must not be disheartened!何があろうと、ぼくはくじけない!


Thank you for that. I can feel the strength welling up within me. I will do well in my next battle.ありがとう、力を感じるよ。次の戦いではもっと活躍できそうだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Because I won the war against Bern, people think of me as a great Hero. I think of it a little differently...
A truly great Hero is one who can build a world where people can live completely free of care.
A Hero is wise as well. There's so much to understand about the world, the citizens, and even the dragons.
It's so much more complex than just being good with a sword.
Coming to this world and getting to speak with so many Heroes—and also getting to know you—has inspired me.
I want to learn even more from you. We can work together to shape the world. I'm counting on you!





오의 발동

Everyone's counting on me!受け継いだ思いを!
I refuse to lose!絶対に負けない!
How about this!最後の一撃だ!
I will never back down!あきらめない!


Hope will never die…思いは…まだ…


A Hero celebrated in legends? You can't mean me.伝承に謳われる英雄…? い、いや、ぼくは違うよ。
Whuh? Sorry. I just cannot get used to that.わわっ!? …君の挨拶にはなかなか慣れないよ。
When war ends, that's when the real work begins.戦争が終わって…それからが本当の始まりなんだ。
The suffering of the people, and the lands that were devastated... I must put things right.荒れた大地や、悲しむ人々を…救わなければ。
I bet you've saved a great number of worlds by now.君はきっと、いくつもの世界を救ってきたんだね…
Let us bring forth a new era, together.新しい時代を、君とぼくとで開いていきたい
As long as we work together, we can save any world. That's what I think, anyway.君と一緒なら、どんな世界も救える…そんな気がするんだ。

아군 턴 터치

Sounds good.よし
I've got it.まかせてくれ
I'm up!ぼくの番だね

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