폭염술사 사이조/대사
I am a Hoshidan ninja, fifth to bear the proud name of Saizo. I hope you've called me here with good reason. | 白夜王国の忍…五代目サイゾウだ。何の心算で呼びつけたか知らんが、貴様と遊んでいる暇などない。 |
Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena aren't attended by bodyguards. Or so it seems... Surely, they must have a ninja or two in the shadows. But if so, I'm unable to detect any. | アルフォンス王子とシャロン王女の護衛はいつも姿が見えないが…凄腕の忍か?むむ…完全なる影に徹するとは侮れん。 |
I serve Lord Ryoma, the future King of Hoshido. I have long protected him, no matter what the cost. | 俺はリョウマ様にお仕えしている。あの方は白夜王となる大切な御方…この身に代えてもお守りせねばならん。 |
I appreciate that you do your patrols. But I don't respond well to being stared at. So don't. | 貴様、俺の周りをちょろちょろと…見回りならもう少し落ち着いてやれ。気になって仕方がないだろう。 |
You need training. Same goes for everyone here. But you're crucial. And especially defenseless. | おい、今度訓練に付き合え。機関の奴らはともかく、貴様は軟弱すぎる!それではいざという時、自分を守れんぞ。 |
I'm always watching over you from the shadows. I've sensed you... sense me. Good. But not good enough. You miss me most of the time. If I were an enemy, you'd be in your grave by now. | …貴様を監視していた。気づいたのは褒めてやるが、遅いな。これが戦場であればやられていたぞ。 |
친구 방문
You there. I suspect that you are [Summoner], hmm? Then my mission is nearly over. I bring you greetings from [Friend]. | …[召喚師]だな。[フレンド]から挨拶だ。任は終わった…俺はもう戻る。 |
레벨 업
I can take on anyone. | 今なら、誰にも負ける気がしない。 |
Soon I will be worthy to serve my liege. | 次期国王に仕える忍として、当然の事だ。 |
Unacceptable. | …むむ。 |
Now I'm more worthy of being fifth in a line of Saizos. | 五代目サイゾウに相応しい新しい力だ… |
5성 40레벨 달성
Hmpf. You always spot me now when I'm around. Not bad, [Summoner]. You couldn't for a while, you know. I'd be standing right here, in front of your face, and you'd be oblivious. You, our great summoner, were wide open to attack from the shadows! Truly disturbing. And that's not all. I could follow you for half the day without you ever noticing that I was there. Oh, now before you run away with any foolish ideas, like maybe I was watching out for you... I should set the matter straight— that I was only monitoring our weak link. If you get taken out, then I'll be put in danger. If I get taken out, then my lord, Ryoma, loses my protection. What I'm trying to say is since you got better at taking care of yourself... I may be willing to watch out for you from the shadows. A little. | …む。俺の気配に気づいたか。少しは成長したようだな、召喚師[召喚師]。 以前なら半日は気づかれず貴様のお気楽さに呆れたものだが、これなら心配する必要はないな。 …おい、勘違いをするな。別に見守ってやっていたわけではない。あくまで監視だ、監視。 俺の使命はリョウマ様をお守りすること…軍の要たるお前が腑抜けていればリョウマ様の御身も危ういからな。 せいぜいこれからも精進しろ。そうすればこの俺も…陰ながら助力してやらんこともないぞ。 |
せいっ | |
でやっ |
ぐあっ! | |
くそっ…! |
오의 발동
You have breathed your last. | 参るぞ |
Die. | 爆ぜ散れ! |
Saizo the Fifth strikes. | 五代目サイゾウ、参る |
Time for mayhem. | 仕留める |
I failed... | 未熟…だったか… |
Hmmm. | ふむ… |
Sorry. Not the type to chat. | なんだ、お前と話す暇はないぞ |
Hmm... Is the Order of Heroes some form of royal castle guard? | 特務機関とは、王城兵のようなものか |
I never get tired. So don't insult me with coffee or tea. Or candy. Never candy. | おい、甘味を勧めるな、疲れは睡眠で取る |
You're our leader. So I will respect your authority. Doesn't mean I have to like it. | 不本意だが、指揮官は貴様だ。戦場では従おう |
Why the blazes was I brought here, of all places? | 俺は何故、こんなわけのわからない場所にいるんだ… |
Is Lord Ryoma here? I do have a higher duty, you know. | リョウマ様はいらっしゃるのか? 俺に本来の任務を全うさせろ |
I'll do everything you command. But only so I can get back home to Hoshido faster! | さっさと終わらせて白夜王国に戻るためにも…今は貴様らの力になってやる。感謝しろ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | ああ |
What? | 任務か |
Hmph. | ふん… |