온천의 무녀 사쿠라/대사
I'm Princess Sakura of Hoshido. I had just found a hidden hot spring when I was summoned here! Oh, b-but, I'm glad to be here... And it's good to meet you! | 白夜王国の王女サクラです。こ、こんな格好でごめんなさいっ。近くに隠れ湯を見つけたので、つい… |
Hot springs warm you up from your head to the tips of your toes. And they're good for injuries, too! | 温泉は大好きなんです。身体も温まるし、ケガにもいいんですよ。 |
I'm pretty good at finding hot springs back in Hoshido, you know. I know quite a few hidden gems! | 白夜王国にいたころも温泉を見つけるのは得意だったんです。たくさんの隠れ湯を知ってますよ。 |
Soaking in a hot spring is good for both body and soul. I'm never happier than after a good soak! | 温泉に浸かっていると身体も心もぽかぽかになって…すごく幸せな気持ちになるんです。 |
If you d-don't mind the suggestion, how about everyone in the Order visits a hot spring sometime soon? | あ、あのっ、よろしければ特務機関のみなさんも温泉、ご一緒しませんか? |
Hmm, it looks like I'm out of fresh towels... I'll need to ask Hana to bring me some. | き、着替え、着替えはどこに…カザハナさんに持ってきてもらわないと! |
친구 방문
Did you know there's a hot spring right near your castle? Oh, this is from [Friend]. | こ、このような格好ですみません…[フレンド]さんのお城の近くで温泉を見つけたので… |
레벨 업
How wonderful! This is all thanks to the hot spring, I'm sure! | うれしいですっ…!温泉に入ったおかげですね! |
I think I've earned myself another dip in the hot spring after this! | 調子が出てきたみたいです。やっぱり温泉って素敵ですね… |
Oh no, my towel got wet! | わ、わわっ!手ぬぐいがずり落ちちゃうっ…! |
I feel so toasty right now! I can keep going! | とっても温かいです…!私、これからも頑張れそうですっ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Ahh... What a relaxing soak... I'm completely warm, from the inside out! I'm so glad there are hot springs here. Relaxing in a hot spring was one of the few comforts I could enjoy while Hoshido was at war. Through my studies as a healer, I learned they're actually very effective at treating injuries. And I don't just mean physical injuries. A good soak can heal your soul, too. W-well, that's how I look at it, anyway... I always feel like I can give each day my very best as long as I know a hot spring is waiting at the end of it. So you be sure to take some time for yourself and have a good soak, too, OK? | ふぅ…いいお湯でした。心身ともに温まりました… この世界にも温泉があって良かったです。戦乱が続いた白夜王国でも、温泉に入るのはささやかな楽しみでしたから… 私も少しは医術の心得がありますけど温泉は本当に怪我に効能があるんです。 お湯そのものがケガにいいのはもちろんですけど、心を癒せることが一番の効能だと…思うんです。 温泉があれば明日からもまた頑張れます…あなたもぜひ温まっていってくださいね。 |
はぁ | |
ふぅ |
きゃああっ! | |
だめですっ |
오의 발동
This'll warm you right up. | あったまります… |
Ah, refreshing! | 良いお湯です! |
N-no peeking! | 見ないでくださいっ! |
Hidden Hot Spring Blast! | 隠れ湯です! |
I'm...going back in... | 温泉に…入り直します… |
えっと… | |
Let's warm up! | あったまりましょう…! |
All toasty. | ぽかぽかですっ |
I apologize for my, um...lack of p-proper battle attire... | す、すみません…こんなはしたない格好で… |
Huh? I'm so sleepy... I think I was in the water too long. | きゃっ!? あ、ありがとうございます、お風呂でのぼせたみたいで… |
We have many hot springs in Hoshido. | 白夜王国には、温泉がたくさんあるんです。 |
There's nothing better than soaking in a hot spring. It warms your body from head to toe! | 温泉に入ると…体がぽかぽかして気持ち良いです… |
Want to join me at the foot baths? | あ、あの、よろしければ…お背中お流ししましょうか? |
아군 턴 터치
Ah? Oh! | わかりました |
What should I do? | ど、どうしたら…? |
I can change later. | 後で着替えますっ |