일반인 성자 사울/대사


A pleasure to meet you. I am Saul, a servant of Saint Elimine. I hope you will allow me to preach freely here.初めてお目にかかります。私はエリミーヌ教団のサウルと申します。当地での布教をおゆるしください。

There is no use contemplating why conflict continues. Better to spend that time praying for it to end.争いが起こる理由なんて、ろくなものではありません。神へ祈りを捧げるほうが健康的です。
Thanks to my efforts, Saint Elimine gains more followers by the day. And they are all beautiful people.私の熱心な活動のかいあって、エリミーヌ教には美しき女性が……もとい、清らかな信者が日に日に増えているのです。
This place is full of so many lovely individuals. I am looking forward to spreading the good word here.いやあ[召喚師]さん!この城はどちらを向いても美人ばかり!布教にも精が出るというものです。
Prayer to Saint Elimine is said to help with any problem. She is particularly popular among young ladies.エリミーヌ教をご存知ですか?困った時に祈れば、すぐ願いがかなう!奥様方にも大好評なんですよ。
The divine guides me to hold the beauty of a young lady in the highest regard. Any less would be an insult.おおっ、あそこにたたずむ女性こそは……まさに奇跡、美の極致と称えたい。神のお導きに違いありません。

친구 방문

Hello. I am a priest of Saint Elimine. Would you like to hear a sermon about the joy of her blessing?私、エリミーヌ教の神父でございます。ありがたい説教をお聞きになりませんか?

레벨 업

I suppose you wish to hear something like, "Nothing makes me happier than contributing to your cause"? All right.私のような者がお役に立てたのならよろこび、これに勝ることはありません……とまあ、殊勝なことも言っておかなければ。
A grievous fate awaits all who dismiss the sacred word of Saint Elimine. Repent while you still can!悔い改めなさい。エリミーヌ教を信じないと、呪いがその身にふりかかりますよ!
According to Saint Elimine, the divine has faith in people—and thus does not intervene to save them.聖女エリミーヌは言われました。神が人を救わないのは……神が人を信じておられるからだと。


I shall gladly receive this, that I might better serve Saint Elimine.これも聖女エリミーヌのためですから。

5성 40레벨 달성

The battlefield has a way of revealing people's true colors, as I am sure you are well aware.
In the throes of conflict, people are apt to show you their very best...and, just as often, their absolute worst.
Why, then, does the divine not simply conjure up a storm to wash away all undesirable souls?
The answer is simple: the possibility of redemption. The wicked must be allowed the opportunity to repent.
Saint Elimine envisions a world without petty squabbles. One in which we learn to live together in happiness.
If that interests you, then I would encourage you to—oh, look at the time! Pardon me, but I must be going.
I promised some young ladies an exclusive sermon. Until next we meet, Saint Elimine's blessing be upon you!





오의 발동

Blessed one...おお、神よ…
Will you hear the word?話を聞きませんか?
With your guidance...神のお導きです


This too is fate?これも…運命ですか…


That's right.ふふふ…
Rise, my child.立ちなさい
I will aid you.お助けしましょう
I have never laid eyes on you before... I am Saul, a servant of Saint Elimine.初めてお目にかかります。私はエリミーヌ教団のサウルと申します。
My interest, as a humble priest, is in saving souls and no more than that. That is all that guides my actions.私は迷える子羊の魂を救済する神父です。やましいところなど何も。
Oh, it's you. I was hoping to run into the young lady who took such an interest in my teachings earlier.おっ? …何だ、あなたですか。てっきり以前お話しした女性かと…
As a servant of the holy one, I must be unstinting with my kindness.私は神に仕える身…すべての女性に優しくなければならないのです。
Would you listen to my words? I am happy to discuss theology anytime.どうです、私の説教を聞きませんか? 今夜ゆっくりと…

아군 턴 터치

That is true.たしかに
My work's never done...やれやれ…

캐릭터 페이지로