사랑으로 살아가는 승려 사울/대사


I am Saul, priest in service of Saint Elimine, here to witness the festivities and perform services as necessary.私はエリミーヌ教団の神父、サウル。祭りの立会人として、役目を果たさせて頂きましょう。

There is no sight more brilliant than a beaming bride on her wedding day. If only I had one of my own...花嫁たちが咲き誇る光景は実に素晴らしい。一人くらい、私のところに来てもいいとは思いますけど。
Those who blindly follow scripture and ignore their hearts are puppets. The true gift from above is free will.神の意のままに動く人間は、意思なき人形と変わりません。神は信じています。人の意思を、強さを…
A wedding is a turning point in the life of a couple. A joyous event, after which they will be joined as one.結婚は人生の節目のようなもの。二人の人生がひとつになる実に晴れがましい場でもあります。
Ah, hello! If I might inquire... Do you have a sister I might introduce myself to, [Summoner]?[召喚師]さんもし姉君か妹君がいらっしゃるならぜひとも私にご紹介頂けませんか。
The Heroes truly are a dizzying array of beauties. It's enough to convince one that good looks are required!ヴァイス・ブレイヴの女性陣はどうしてこうも美女揃いなのでしょう。もしかして…顔で選んでいるとか?

친구 방문

Should you need anyone to observe a wedding, you may call on me, Saul, at [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]さんに世話になっているサウルと申します。結婚式の立会人はお任せくださいませ。

레벨 업

O blessed Saint Elimine, watch over me as I train to spread word of your glory to all the women of this world!聖女エリミーヌよ、ご照覧あれ!敬虔な神の徒、サウルは今日も女性たちのため、精進しております!
Come, one and all! Pledge yourself to Saint Elimine and all of your problems will instantly be solved!
...That's a little joke.
Ugh. If this keeps up, the scolding I'll get from Bishop Yoder will be even harsher than usual.しまった…またヨーデル様からお説教されてしまう……


Praises be! I will use this blessing to protect your flock. The women will be given priority, of course...おお、神よ…! 感謝いたします!この力で、必ず民を守ってみせます。主に女性を中心に…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Every time I witness two lovers being joined in matrimony, I am struck by how blessed I am to be a priest.
Under ordinary circumstances, my primary focus is helping women to the altar, but...another time, perhaps.
I wish those who make pledges to love one another only the utmost happiness—as does Saint Elimine.
Seeing happy couples off on their honeymoons over and again can make one feel a bit...lonely.
Would it be too much trouble for Saint Elimine, blessed be her name, to find me a beautiful wife of faith?
Ah, but for now, let us celebrate the love here before us! Shall we join in, [Summoner]? Praises be!




How inelegant...無粋な…

오의 발동

A benediction.祝福しましょう
On this beautiful day...この良き日に…
I'll have your vow.誓いますか?
Peace everlasting.末永く幸せに




A blessing to you.神の祝福を
Ah, a couple in love, bound together by a holy vow. It is a magnificent thing.愛し合うふたりが神の名のもとに結ばれる。素晴らしいですね。
Me? My love is for the people. Chiefly the women, I'll admit.私ですか? 私の愛は人々のものですから。主に女性の。
Beautiful women, dressed in their finest, as far as the eye can see... Is this heaven itself?見渡す限り美しく着飾った女性が…ここは楽園ですか?
I must take this opportunity to spread the word of St. Elimine. To not do so would be a waste.これを機にエリミーヌ教団の信者を増やせないものですかね…
I would be happy to preside over your wedding as well. I will devote myself to the task wholeheartedly.あなたの式もぜひ私を立会人に。誠心誠意努めますよ。

아군 턴 터치

Is that so?そうですか
Come again?といいますと?
Oh, indeed.もちろんです

캐릭터 페이지로