고결한 신부 사이리/대사


'Tis with a happy heart that I join in this festival. I may not grasp all of the customs, but I attend with all sincerity.祭りへの声掛けを嬉しく思う。不勉強者ゆえ道理のわからぬ点もあるがソンシンの王女として面目は保とう。

To think me the blushing bride, and in such foreign attire, no less! P'raps Yen'fay would celebrate all the same.ソンシンの衣装とは違うが、私が花嫁姿になる日が来ようとは……兄上は喜んでくださるだろうか。
Restoring Chon'sin, my homeland, to its former glory is of the utmost import. 'Tis a task rife with hardship.
For that reason, I am most eager to acquire a partner prepared to assist me in this vital campaign.
'Tis my first time donning garments such as these. I beseech you... Would you say they suit me?このような装束は初めてで、その…に、似合っているだろうか?
A princess I may be, but Chon'sin is naught but a meager kingdom. 'Tis no surprise we need care for ourselves.王女といってもソンシンは小国。身の回りのことは自分で整えられるようしつけられている。
Wheat and rice look to have much in common. Could one then assume bread might be made using rice?ムギとコメはよく似ている。ならばコメからでも、パンを作れるのではないだろうか?

친구 방문

In the spirit of the bridal festival, please accept this small gift in honor of the celebration. May it impart joy.[フレンド]城では花嫁祭りが催されている……これは幸せな気分のお裾分けだ。

레벨 업

Even in the throes of battle I've pondered what it is to love...and suddenly it's struck me!
Knowing you would lay down your very life for another, that is love. 'Tis an everlasting fount of daring.
Heed not my attire, lest you mistake me for anything other than your deadliest foe, a warrior of Chon'sin.花嫁姿であろうと、私はソンシンの武者。競い合う以上、容赦はしない……多少はしたない面は見過ごしてもらおう!
P'raps I lack the adoration necessary to play the bride...私には花嫁たる愛が足りないというのか…


Ah, you share this joy with me that I might use it as my own. Together, we shall create a cycle of bliss.この喜びを分かち合い、互いを愛でる……そういうことだな。

5성 40레벨 달성

I had no notion of what to expect from this festival, so my heart is full of gratitude at your presence here.
I would have truly felt out of sorts without you at my side. That is to say... My home is quite different.
In the spring, the kingdom of Chon'sin is teeming with thousands of blooming cherry trees and florals.
'Tis the springtime when families gather under the blooms to celebrate marriage and exchange solemn vows.
I have long imagined drinking from the three nuptial cups—past, present, future—and declaring my eternal love.
I suppose 'tis not too dissimilar from this festival. In the end, all I wish is for a partner to share in life's trials.
If I may, p'raps you would enlighten me on customs of your land...and your ideal partner?





오의 발동

By your side!貴殿と共に
Let us seek happiness.幸せにしてもらおう
Accept my love!私の愛を…
A dream, is it not?夢ではないのか?




I am Say'ri. I may yet have much to learn, but I pray this relationship brings us both happiness.サイリだ。ふ、不束者だが、末永くよろしく頼む。
Fie! Do not surprise me while I wear such unfamiliar raiments.ひゃっ!? このような装束は初めてなんだ。驚かせないでもらえるか?
I am not yet well prepared to marry. I am well prepared to fight, however.花嫁修業はそれなりにやってきた。武芸ほどの自信はないが…
The Voice in bridal garb... 'Tis a sight that stirs the heart.神竜の巫女様の花嫁姿…感慨深いものがある…
I would like to show my homeland to whomever I end up marrying.花婿となった者には、我が故郷の風景を見せたいと思う。
I wonder... Should I marry, would Yen'fay be happy for me?私が花嫁になったら…兄上は喜んでくださるだろうか。
Tell me, what do you think of this attire? It suits me? I am pleased to hear it.貴殿から見てこの姿はどうだろう? …綺麗か。そうか、嬉しい。

아군 턴 터치

On your order.ああ
There are uncertainties…悩むな…
I shall follow.ついていこう

캐릭터 페이지로