전승의 성자 세이로스/대사


I am Seiros. My duty is to guide the lost toward the will of the goddess.私はセイロス…天上の女神より授かりし神詞に従い、迷える人々を導くのが使命です。

If you come to me searching, say so. I will not turn away one who seeks their salvation.望みがあるならば聞きましょう。救いを求める者を拒みはしません。
It was the goddess who brought peace to Fódlan. I merely carry out her will.フォドラの平穏は主なる女神によってもたらされたもの…。私は主の御心に従うのみです。
Rest for a while, won't you? Do not worry over your enemies for now. While I'm here, there is no threat.少し休んだらいかがです?私がここにいる限り、敵がこの地を侵すことなどできるはずもないのですから。
The goddess watches over us always. Now, let us pray together...主は天上より常に私たちを見守っておられます。さあ、共に祈りを捧げましょう。
Hm? Oh, I was...just thinking of my mother. She was kinder and stronger than any I've ever known.
I have faith I will see her again. One day.

친구 방문

I come bearing friendship and good will from [Friend].[フレンド]より友好の使者として参りました。よしなに願います。

레벨 업

A power that lay dormant has now awoken...眠っていた力が…
This is not enough. Not yet.まだ十分ではありませんね。
An unfortunate result.不本意な結果です。


You wish to grant me new power? I understand, and I accept.私に新たな力を…?わかりました、受け入れましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Your kind are frail, ignorant creatures, incapable of accomplishing anything without the guidance of the goddess.
...Or so I had thought. But I have been forced to realize, meeting the Heroes here, that I was wrong.
You in particular stand apart as well... You are different from the rest. Special in some way.
My instincts are not often wrong...
If you continue to fight for this world, I will fight by your side, as a warrior. As an equal.
And I know the goddess will be watching over you as well.





오의 발동

You must be purified!穢れを断つ……!
It is your time!堕ちなさい
You have been judged.裁きを……!
In the name of the goddess.主の御名のもとに


How can this be?何ということ……この私が……


Do not be afraid. You may speak openly with me.私に遠慮は無用です、気軽に話しかけてくれて構いません。
What are you doing? Do you require my assistance?…どうしたのです。私に、何か?
Do the teachings of the Church of Seiros hold interest for you?もしや、セイロス聖教会の教義に興味がおありですか?
If you humbly devote yourself to prayer, even you may receive the blessing of the goddess.謙虚に祈りを捧げれば、あなたも主のご加護を得られるでしょう。
If something precious is stolen from you, you must do whatever it takes to recover it.大切な物を奪われたのなら、取り戻さねばなりません。
Mother... I wish I could see you again, just once more...お母様…もう一度、会いたい…
I shall never abandon you. Even if it means staining my hands with blood…あなた方を見捨てたりはしません。たとえ、この手を血に染めようとも…

아군 턴 터치

Is that so?行くのですね?
We may go.進みましょう

캐릭터 페이지로