아버지의 뜻을 따라 세리스/대사


I am Seliph, crusader of Grannvale. I wear these clothes to celebrate my father—a great man indeed.私はセリス。グランベルの聖騎士と讃えられた父上は私の誇りであり、心の支えです。

Noble of Chalphy, crusader of Grannvale... Clothing can impart more than one truth.シアルフィの公子、グランベルの聖騎士――この装束を私が身に着けてよいのかとしばらく悩んでいたのだけれど……
Just as the people of Isaach recognize Shannan, those who knew my father see significance of these clothes.イザークの民がシャナンを慕うように、父を知るグランベルの人たちにはこの姿の意味はとても大きい。
As child of a father branded a traitor, I want to live up to the expectations of those who have supported me.反逆者として追われた父の子である私を支えてくれた皆の期待にこたえたい。それで、この装束に袖を通したんだよ。
If it is my fate to fight as a crusader, if that is my destiny, so be it. I will do as the gods wish of me.聖戦士として戦うことが私の定めなら、それが私の運命なら、私は行きます。神の御心のおもむくままに……
My father was loved and trusted by many. I hope to be like him in that way.父は多くの人から愛され、信頼されたといいます。私も、そうありたいと願っています。

친구 방문

I am Seliph. I have heard you are quite a capable tactician, according to [Friend].私はセリス。[フレンド]の話では有能な軍師でいらっしゃるとか……

레벨 업

Father, Mother... Watch over me.父上、母上……私を見守っていてください。
The light of divine Tyrfing shall judge the darkness of this world!聖剣ティルフィング輝くとき、この世の闇は裁かれる……!
Light is always with us, so long as it is never forgotten...光は、そこにある。それを忘れさえしなければ。


I will do my best to live up to the expectations you have of me.君の期待にこたえられるよう、これからもがんばるよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

According to scripture, Naga and eleven other gods descended from the heavens...
Lewyn once told me of how the 12 crusaders made their pact with those gods at the Tower of Dahna.
My world had known much chaos. When it was learned that a dragon was behind it all, they took a stand.
The gods themselves let flow their blood from their hands, and that power flowed into the crusaders.
In that way, the crusaders gained a dragon's power so as to set the world as it should be.
The gods, it seems, were themselves an ancient dragon tribe.
I have heard similar stories from other worlds, and I can't help but wonder...
If we know of so many other worlds, we can assume those worlds are shaped by the same mistakes.
Being here, in this world, the thought was nearly unavoidable.
That is why I believe we who come together across worlds should help create a new future for each other.





오의 발동

Like my father...父上みたいに…
I shall protect all!守ってみせる!
We go together!共に行こう!


Do I still not measure up?まだ…及ばないのか…


I am Seliph. I wear the same garb as my honored father, Sigurd.私はセリス。この衣装は父…シグルドのものなんだ。
*startled* You still manage to sneak up on me.わっ!? もう、君には驚かされてばかりだよ。
I have always felt someone calling to me.ずっと、誰かに呼ばれている気がしていたんだ。
Dressed as my father? Nothing could honor me more.父上の衣装を身にまとうなんて、こんなに光栄なことはないよ。
I think that Julia will also be delighted by this outfit.ユリアもこの姿を見たら喜んでくれるだろうな…
Father, Mother... Please watch over me.父上、母上…私を見守ってください。
With all my heart, I wish to protect you and the world you hold dear.君と、君の大切な世界を守りたい。心からそう思うよ。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.そうだね
As ordered.私が行こう

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