해변의 충신 제트/대사


I am Seth, of the Knights of Renais. Prince Ephraim asked me to join the princess on her retreat.ルネス王国騎士団、ゼトと申します。エフラム様のご命令により、エイリーク様の護衛を務めております。

Whether on beach or battlefield, my duty does not change. I will protect my charges with my life.常夏の島であれ戦場であれ私のなすべき使命は変わりません。一命を賭して、あるじを守り抜くのみ。
Running along the coast certainly works the legs. The Knights of Renais could benefit from this training.砂浜を走るのは足腰の鍛錬になります。ここでルネス騎士団を鍛え直すのも一案かもしれませんね。
It is not my place to comment on a swimsuit of Princess Eirika's choosing—and yet... Never mind.エイリーク様が選ばれた水着ならば私はなにも申しませぬ。ただ…。いえ、なんでもございません。
I would prefer to stay on the shore. It is easier to spot dangers as they approach from this vantage point.私は海に入らずとも大丈夫です。浜辺から、周囲に異常がないかしっかりと監視いたします。
Do not fear. My armor is stowed under a nearby tree. I can spring into action at a moment's notice.ご心配なく。鎧はそこの木陰に隠してあります。火急の命があってもいつでも全力でお守りいたします。

친구 방문

I hope you will do me the honor of accepting this summertime gift from [Friend].[フレンド]殿より夏の贈答品をお届けに上がりました。ぜひ、お納めください。

레벨 업

I will protect Eirika when necessary, by whatever means are required. That is why I have come here.いついかなるときもお守りします。そのために、私はここにいるのです。
Though I have shed my armor for a swimsuit, my senses remain as focused as ever.水着になっても心の鎧まで脱いではおりません。
To think I could be brought so low by mere heat...腑甲斐ない…この程度の暑さで不覚をとってしまうとは。


Thank you. There was no need for you to go out of your way for me in this blazing-hot weather.炎天下の中、かようなお心遣い…感謝いたします。

5성 40레벨 달성

I had not expected to find you here so late, [Summoner].
It's getting dark. The princess has returned to her lodging, and you should as well. We will dine soon.
Oh, I see. You meant to watch the sun sink below the horizon... Forgive my intrusion then.
It is a beautiful sight, that bright vermilion jewel slowly sliding out of view... I cannot blame you.
I ask the princess to return to her lodging early every night purely out of interest in her safety, but...
I think perhaps I will not protest her remaining outside a while longer in the future, if only to see the sunset.





오의 발동

A summer's duty.これも我が使命
No quarter!負けません
Ready for anything!いかなる時でも
Tropical attack!南国アタック…


I was indiscreet...不覚を…


I am merely here to escort Princess Eirika.私はエイリーク様の護衛で参りました。
*splutter* Do try to avoid splashing me with water, inadvertently or otherwise.!? 急に水をかけるのはやめていただきたい…
I must do my utmost to ensure Princess Eirika does not suffer a sunburn.エイリーク様が日差しにあてられないよう、注意しておかなければ。
The proof of a knight's duty is the scars his body bears.この傷は…ただ、騎士の務めを果たしただけのこと。
I have my duties. Rest comes when appropriate.休暇など、私には無用のものです。
I hope that Princess Eirika can enjoy a moment of respite, however fleeting it may be...エイリーク様…どうか、今だけはお心安らかに…
I must express my gratitude. It has been a great pleasure to spend time with you like this.あなたとこうしていられるひと時に、感謝致します。

아군 턴 터치

As you say.お任せを
Now then...それでは…

캐릭터 페이지로