견습 신부 샤니/대사


I'm Shanna, an Ilian pegasus knight in training. I'm excited to see what this bridal festival is all about!イリア天馬騎士団見習いのシャニーだよ! 花嫁のお祭りかあ…面白そう! いーっぱい盛り上げるね!

I grew up in Ilia, which is frigid and dreary, so I've never seen anyone dressed in an outfit this pretty!あたしが育ったイリア地方はあんまり豊かじゃなかったからこんな素敵な装束、見たことなかったよ!
Both of my sisters, Thea and Juno, are dressed up just like me today! A bridal festival we'll never forget!ユーノお姉ちゃんとティトお姉ちゃんと、3人揃って花嫁祭りだなんて!楽しみだよ~!
When I get married, I'm going to fly down the aisle on my pegasus! ...Hm? Is that a bad idea?あたしが結婚式を挙げるときは天馬に乗って空から登場したいな!…え? ダメ?
I know this is just a festival and I'm not actually getting married, but still... Tell that to my racing heart!これはお祭りの装束で本当にお嫁に行くわけじゃないけど…なんだかとってもドキドキしちゃう!
So, what do you think? Not bad for a festival costume, huh? I wonder what Lord Roy and Dieck will say... Haha!どうかな!? 似合う? ふっふーん!ロイ様やディークさんにも見せてこよーっと!

친구 방문

Hi, I'm Shanna. Nice to meet you! As you can see, I came from the bridal festival at [Friend]'s![フレンド]さんのお城から来たシャニーでーす!今、花嫁のお祭りをやってるの!

레벨 업

Nothing like wearing wedding attire to make a person feel powerful! Armor doesn't even compare!どんなすごい鎧を着るよりも花嫁衣装を着た女の子は最強なの!
Does this dress make me seem more ladylike? Well, I guess it's true what they say: looks can be deceiving!少しはおしとやかになったような…うん、なってないね!
This dress sure is a pain to move in... I keep worrying about ripping it!わ、わわっ!あんまり激しく動くと装束が破れちゃうよ…!


For me? Oh, I do, I do! ...Just kidding! You should have seen your face.これをあたしに?はい、変わらぬ愛を誓います…!なんちゃってー!

5성 40레벨 달성

Whew! The bridal festival sure is something, huh? I'm glad everyone has enjoyed themselves!
It seems like the festivities are for my older sisters more than for me, frilly white clothes included.
I mean, Juno is already married, and it's only a matter of time before Thea follows. My marriage is pretty far off...
But that just means I have even more time to become the greatest pegasus knight in the whole world!
This festival was a nice preview of what I can expect, but that doesn't mean I'll lose sight of my goal.
From lancework to pegasus care, I'm going to get better and better— just watch, [Summoner]!




What are you...!?なにすんの!?

오의 발동

Here comes the bride!お嫁にいきまーす!
It's MY day!花嫁さんだよ!
Promise me happiness?幸せにしてね


Not...the dress...やだ…ドレスが…


Oh, wow!きゃはっ
Whaddaya think of the dress? Good? Too good?!あたしの花嫁姿、どう? 似合う~?
Wha! Ugh, wow. Moment...ruined.うわぁああ!? もう、お淑やかな雰囲気出してたのにー
I'm gonna hang out with my sisters today!今日はお姉ちゃんたちも一緒なの。嬉しいな。
I'd marry someone who "gets" me...lotsa gifts! Hee hee!あたしが結婚したいのはね~、うーんと甘えさせてくれる人かな!
There'll be a feast at the festival, right?! Can't wait!お祭りってご馳走が出るんでしょ? うわあ、楽しみー!
One day Thea might get married too, and... And then I'll be...all alone...ティトお姉ちゃんまでお嫁に行っちゃったら、少し寂しいかも…
Got your vows ready? Ha-ha. I'm kidding! This dress is just for show.ねえねえ、あ・な・た…きゃははっ、なんてねー!

아군 턴 터치

Bride incoming!あたしが主役ね
Cold feet?そうなの?
Wait for meee!あん、待ってよ!

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