봄빛의 아스크왕녀 샤론/대사


Hi there! I'm Princess Sharena of Askr! I'm ready to hop-hop-hop my way through the spring festival!アスク王国王女シャロンです!せーの…春祭り、がんばりますぴょん!

Did you see Alfonse all dressed up for the spring festival? My brother looks so adorable, doesn't he? Hee-hee!お兄様の春祭りの格好、ご覧になりました?似合ってましたよね、ふふっ。
Alfonse was telling me there are actually Heroes who can turn into bunnies! I want a bunny pal.異界にはうさぎに変身できるうさぎ英雄さんがいるそうですよ。いつか、うさ友になりたいです!
Why don't you dress up like a bunny, too? It won't be as embarrassing if we're all in this together![召喚師]さんもうさぎさんの格好に着替えませんか?みんな一緒なら恥ずかしくないです!
There you are. Are you ready to practice? Welcome to Sharena's bunny hop academy!あっ、[召喚師]さんっ。一緒に訓練しませんか?はい。もちろん、うさぎ跳びです!
My mother loves festivals. I'm sure she'd be delighted if I dropped by to say hello dressed like this!お母様もお祭り好きなんです。この格好でご挨拶したら、きっと喜んでくれます!

친구 방문

Hoppy spring from a happy bunny! That was quite the rabbit pun, if I do say so myself.
Oh, right...[Friend] says hello!

레벨 업

Spring is here, everybody!春です!春が来ました!
Clearly, all the effort I put in to bunny-hop practice has paid off.うさぎ跳びの成果が出ました!
The breeze is so warm that it's making me a little sleepy...春はなんだかねむくなっちゃいます…


Oooh, I'm just jumping for joy!わたしにこんな力を!?うれしすぎて飛び跳ねちゃいます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Well, [Summoner]... Are you ready to join the bunny brigade?
Come on now, don't be shy... Just put this on! Even for a moment...
You're not up for it? Aww...
You know, I'm not dressed this way because I want to be. I just thought it might make your day a little brighter!
I had to gather up all of my courage to put this costume on, so...why don't you join me?
You aren't buying it, are you? Aww! I really wanted to see a bunny summoner!
[召喚師]さんっ!どうですか? そろそろわたしと一緒にうさぎさんに変身するお覚悟は…?
あっ、今一瞬着る気になりました?ならない! 残念です!




Cut it out!やめてくださいー!

오의 발동

Spring is here!スプリングハズカムです!
Spring, spring, spring!いつだって春です!
Here comes the sunshine!暖かくしますよ!
I'm hopping your way!ウサギさんですぴょん!


But it's spring!冬は…冷たいです…


It's your super bun-bun pal, Sharena!あなたのうさぎシャロンですぴょん!
Agh! You startled me!ひゃあっ!? びっくりしちゃいましたー。
I've got the look down, but... What would a bunny rabbit SAY?ぴょん、ってつけた方が良いって教えてもらったんです。
You know...this outfit, it's...a little...ほ、本当はこの格好…恥ずかしいですよう…
You like this outfit? You aren't kidding, are you? You're making me blush!に、似合ってます? …そんなに見られたら、照れちゃいますよー。
Well, if I'm going to be a bunny, I want lots of bunny Heroes to be friends with!こうなったら、うさぎ英雄のお友達をいっぱい作りたいです。
Even when spring is over, I'll always be your super bun-bun pal, Sharena!春が終わっても、わたしはずっとずっと…あなたのうさぎシャロンですぴょん!

아군 턴 터치

Here I am!はいはいはいっ!
Hopping to it!どうしますぴょん?
I gotcha!さすがですっ!

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