쌍검의 전귀 세즈/대사


Oh... You called for me, huh? Name's Shez. With these blades, I'll cut a path for you through the battlefield.おっと…呼んだか?俺の名はシェズ。この双剣で、お前の道を切り開いてやろう。

This place is a mystery to me. Maybe there is someone here who knows what Arval really is.…この不思議な世界なら、ラルヴァの正体に迫れることもあるかもしれないな。
I was in the midst of a battle for Fódlan, then I just appeared here... Must've been confusing for them.今のフォドラは戦乱の時代…というか、俺も敵と斬り合ってたところだったんだが。急に俺が消えて相手も戸惑っただろうな。
What, you're lost? I know how you feel. But I think I've just about got my bearings, so stick with me.どうした? 道にでも迷ったか?俺もやりがちなんだが…ま、今は大丈夫だろ。行くぞ。
Ugh. I'm trying to nap until the next battle! Oh...you want to nap too? All right then, let's get some shut-eye.ふわ…戦いまで寝てるって言ったろ。お前も昼寝か?だったら構わないが。
Since the war began, I've had to act as leader. It's good to get back to my roots. I am only a mercenary after all.傭兵といっても、戦争が始まってからは一軍を率いる立場だったからな。こういう状況は久々だぞ。

친구 방문

I was told to make an appearance by [Friend]. So? Ready?[フレンド]から、顔を出すように言われてな。相手を頼むぞ。

레벨 업

Definitely getting stronger.確かな手応えを得たな。
I've still got a ways to go.まだまだ強さを求めていくぞ。
I'm not stopping anytime soon.もう俺は、立ち止まってはいられないってのに。


I'll take what I can get. Maybe this new technique will be enough to win.勝つための術、一つ増えたな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Back in Fódlan, I was in countless battles. I encountered ambushes, skirmishes, rescue ops, betrayals...
I fought for a long time. And we won many of those battles.
When I came here, I got caught up in the mess of this world and started adding to my war stories with you...
I told myself it was just another job. But even after victories, I didn't celebrate. I don't know when, but...
Something changed and I started feeling proud to fight beside you.
And now, you'll be happy to know, the future of this world is just as vital to me as the future of Fódlan.





오의 발동

I must prevail!負けられない理由があるんでな!
Too bad for you!ツイてなかったな!
Go ahead and try!この剣、受けてみろ!
Made your peace yet?覚悟はいいか?


Sorry... everyone...みんな…すまない…


This blade comes when I call it. I can put it away whenever I like, too.こっちの剣は、いつでも消せるし、いつでも呼び出せるんだ
*gasp* Hey, I could have taken you for an enemy!ッ!? …おおい、敵かと思っちまっただろ
Er… Look, I'd love to chat, if I could think of something to say.何だ? 面白い話はできないぞ?
Finding a place to take a rest on the battlefield? That's a tough one.戦場での寝床をどう確保するか…なかなか難しい問題だ
When my company of mercenaries was completely wiped out... That was difficult.気に入ってた傭兵団が全滅した時には、流石の俺も堪えたよ
This wind... A storm is comin'.この風…一雨来そうだな
I'm told I'm pretty calm, but if something were to happen to you, I don't know what I'd do.いつも醒めてるって言われるが…お前のためなら熱くなるぞ?

아군 턴 터치

What's wrong?どうした?
Off I go!行くぞ!

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