한여름의 휴양 임무 세즈/대사


I'm Shez. Not an expert in aquatic combat, but I'm adaptable. Hm? You brought me here to relax?シェズよ。海の戦いは不慣れだけど足を引っ張らないように頑張るわ。え? 休養が今回の目的?

I went ahead and brought some nautical charts, just in case. Better safe than sorry.万が一のことを考えてこの付近の海図を手に入れたの。なにかあってからじゃ遅いから。
I don't know how I feel about relaxing in times like these. So, let's just call this "morale building," all right?ゆっくりと休んでる場合じゃないと思ったけど…次の戦いに備える時間と考えれば、納得できるわ。
When I go somewhere new, I have an itch to wander around and see every nook and cranny of it.つい癖でね。知らない場所に来たら隅から隅まで歩きたくなっちゃうのよ。
I see the value in these light outfits. If you're fighting in water, you don't want bulky armor weighing you down.水の中で戦うなら重い鎧を着てても逆効果よね。今回は、この装束で乗り切ってみせる。
With all this fresh fruit, we'd be fools not to make tropical elixirs. Come on, help me whip them up!南国には新鮮な果物がたくさんあるのね。これを使ってなにか一品作ってみようかしら。

친구 방문

Summer tidings from your friend. Hm? Oh, don't mention it. Just doing what [Friend] asked.[フレンド]から夏の便りをあずかってきたわ。気遣いは無用よ、これが仕事だから。

레벨 업

The sunshine's done me good. I'm stronger than ever!夏は人を成長させるのね。強くなったのを肌で実感しているわ。
Land or sea, doesn't matter—the battle's always won by whoever trained the hardest.最後にものを言うのは日頃の鍛錬ね。海だろうが山だろうが、それは同じよ。
Ugh, why can't I focus?らしくないわね。もっと集中しないと…。


It's been a productive summer.ありがとう。この夏に得た力は決して無駄にはしないわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've already told you about my upbringing, right? How I was raised in the mountains?
Well, when that's all you've known your whole life, an ocean's a hard thing to comprehend.
Not that it was boring where I came from. There was activity if you knew where to look.
The animals bustling around, the landscape changing color with the seasons.
But an ocean—it's nothing but activity. Water moving and shifting every second you look at it.
It's mesmerizing to watch...and a little unsettling too.
Everything disappears under the waves... Once the currents have you, it's over.
It makes me think: Will I get swallowed up in the undertow of history, my name lost in the depths?
I don't think so. As long as I'm alive, I still have a say—and that's gotta be worth something.
I'll leave a mark while I'm still around, just you watch.





오의 발동

Get back!引っ込んでて!
Time to ride that wave!波に乗るわよ!
This'll be a clean sweep!片付けるわ!
Clear skies, smooth sailing.いい風向きね!


I was careless...油断…したわ…


Gotta say, this outfit's pretty easy to move around in. Consider me convinced.この格好、動きやすくて気に入ったわ。
Hm? What, never seen muscles before?な、なに? 私の鍛えた身体が気になるの?
Up for some long-distance swimming? It's great training, you know.一緒に遠泳にいかない? いい鍛錬になるわよ。
Can't take my eyes off the map, especially on the water...まったく、海では海図が手放せないわね…
Sure, I was raised in the mountains, but it's not like I mind visiting the sea.私は山育ちだけど、海も嫌いじゃないわ。
Look at all that fruit! Wonder if it's tasty…南国の果物って美味しいのかしら?
Don't worry. If I see you struggling, I'll be the first to come to your rescue.もし溺れたら、私が助けてあげるわ。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.うん
You ready?行くのね?
I can handle it.やれるわ

캐릭터 페이지로