신진기예의 용병 세즈/대사


I'm Shez. A mercenary. Now that you've hired me, I'll do the job I'm paid for. So, who are we fighting?俺はシェズ、傭兵だ。雇われた以上、報酬分の仕事はするさ。それで、誰と戦うんだ?

Still not sure what a mercenary like me is doing here, but hey—I'm up for any opportunity to get stronger.一介の傭兵の俺が、こんなところにな…。まあいい、強くなれる機会だと前向きに捉えるか。
The mercenary group I belonged to got wiped out not long ago. Honestly, I was overwhelmed by that defeat.少し前に、所属してた傭兵団の連中が、軒並み戦死しちまってな…。正直、あの時は参ったぞ。
I'm good at fighting on the front lines, but you seem like you've got a good eye for tactics. I'm counting on you.先陣を切るのと裏を突くのは得意だが…戦局を見る力はお前のほうがありそうだな。頼りにしてるぞ。
Hey, I've been having strange dreams lately. Know any weirdos who might have an idea about this kind of stuff?なあ、不思議な夢をよく見るんだが、そういうのに詳しい奴に心当たりはないか?変な奴が多そうだし、誰かいるだろう。
The food here is incredible. Do you think I could get someone to cook for us next time we're on a mission?いや、ここの飯は美味いな。もしかして料理できる英雄がいるのか?野営中に作れるもんがあれば知りたいな。

친구 방문

You [Summoner]?
I was sent over here to say hi, on [Friend]'s request.

레벨 업

I'm getting stronger!ぐっと強くなった感覚があるな。
Yeah, not bad.なかなか悪くない。
Wait, that's it?!伸び悩んでるのか? 俺。


This'll help me break new boundaries.この力で、俺は壁を越えてやる。

5성 40레벨 달성

Feels like I've been here awhile now, somehow or other...
Oh, don't get me wrong—it's not like I hate it here or anything. I'm grateful for this chance to get stronger.
And of course, I've enjoyed working with you. Enough that I'd be happy to stick around for as long as you want.
But...someday, I'm going to go back to Fódlan. There's this voice in my head telling me I have to.
When I do, that'll be goodbye. But until then, I'll use my blade to cut a path for you. That's my job, after all.





오의 발동

I'm not gonna die here!まだ死ぬわけにはいかない!
Here it comes!これが傭兵だ!
You're done!その身に刻んどけ!
So much for you!お前の負けだ!


No... I failed...こうなっちまったら…終わりだ…


Swordsmanship? Mostly self-taught. There's nobody I could point to and say, "that's my teacher."剣も戦術も、ほとんど我流でな…師と呼べる相手はいない
*yelp* Is poking people what you consider a good time?うおっ!? なんだ、お前もそういうのが好きなのか?
On the battlefield, you have to keep moving. Stop and you pin a target on your back.戦場では、常に動き続けろ。止まったら狙われるぞ
This? It's a Merc Whistle. We use it to find each other on the battlefield. Can't get by without it.これか? 呼び笛って言ってな、場所を知らせる傭兵の道具だ
I don't know where I was born or who my parents are. I've been alone a long time.俺は生まれも両親も知らないんだ、天涯孤独ってやつさ
I should probably get some sleep while I can...今のうちに寝とくか…
Just remember, I've got your back. So stay in the thick of things!守ってやるから、遅れるなよ?

아군 턴 터치

Oh, sure.ああ
What now?どうする?
Leave it to me.任せてくれ

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