성전의 문장사 시구르드/대사


I am Emblem Sigurd. My desire is for peace in all worlds. If you have need of strength, I shall lend you mine.紋章士シグルド。全ての世界の平穏が、私の望みだ。力が必要なら、応じよう。

The faces of those beloved to me and those of my enemies fill me with nostalgia in equal measure now.ああ、懐かしい顔ぶれだ。愛しい者にも、かつて敵対した者にも、今ではただ、等しく追憶の念が湧くのみだ。
I was with Lumera in Elyos. I know all too well the great sorrow she must have felt at leaving her child behind.エレオス大陸では、ルミエルと共にいた。子を残して去らねばならなかった彼女の無念は…私には痛いほどわかる。
I never thought I would meet my wife and child again. Now, might I have the joy of being with them?
Speaking with them, walking with them, dining with them...
It would be a waste not to enjoy the ability to dine here. I would like to try making a meal for family and friends.せっかく食事を楽しめるようになったんだ。食べるのも良いが、家族や友人に料理を振舞うという経験もしてみたい。
What meaning has a ring? To me, Emblem Rings symbolize entrusted power and my bonds with you all.君にとって、指輪はどんな意味を持つ?紋章士の指輪は、力を託した証だけではなく君たちとの絆の証だと…私は思っているよ。

친구 방문

You need not praise my efforts. This was not so far to go. I bear a message from [Friend].[フレンド]から言伝だ。そんなに労ってくれなくて構わない。私からすれば、わけもない距離だよ。

레벨 업

I would like my presence to be one that inspires fear in my enemies and emboldens my allies.敵にとって恐ろしく、味方にとって頼もしい存在でありたい。
I take pride in this. I shall support and protect everyone with this power.誇らしい気持ちだ。得た力で皆を支え、守ろう。
Anyone is capable of regret. I will look to the future.悔やむことは誰にでもできる。私は、次を見据えよう。


I shall use this power to fight, so that no one has to be parted from those they love.この力を使い、戦おう。誰も愛しい者と離れることがないように。

5성 40레벨 달성

The battle today was fierce. It is a relief to see that you made it through unharmed, [Summoner].
I may have said so before, but I lost those precious to me in the world I was first born into as well as Elyos.
I never wish to feel such loss again. I wish to protect the Heroes and friends around me, and you as well.
I may not be as courageous as my other self, but...as an Emblem, this power is mine and mine alone.
I shall bring peace by fighting as only I can without losing anyone. I am glad I could share these feelings with you.





오의 발동

I shall guide you!紋章の導きだ!
You must understand!君に伝える!
Emblem engage!エムブレム・エンゲージ…!


So it ends here...ここまでの、ようだ……


If you are riding far, I will accompany you. You might arrive sooner with me at your side.遠乗りなら付き合おう。私を連れて行くと、早く着くかもしれない。
Oh! I thought you wanted to polish the Emblem ring. It is a common practice on the Somniel.おっと、磨いてくれるのかと思ってしまった。ソラネルでの習慣でね。
In Elyos, I was with Lumera at Lythos Castle.エレオス大陸では、リトスの神竜王城でルミエルと共にいたんだ。
Both my original self and my Emblem self have lived through the loss of those important to us.元の私も、紋章士たる私も、大切な人との別れを経験している。
What was it? "Provide for us, Emblem of the Holy War..." Yes, that was the invocation to summon me.『継承(つた)えよ、聖戦の紋章士(エムブレム)』…そうだ、私を顕現する呪文だ。
Deirdre, Seliph... I never dreamed I would get to see you again.ディアドラ、セリス……私はもう一度、その姿が見られただけで……
It seems there are many Sigurds in the Order, some you may know well. As an Emblem, I am all of them, and none of them.特務機関にも、君の心の中にも、色々なシグルドという人物がいるだろう。紋章士たる私はそのどれでもあって、どれでもないんだ。

아군 턴 터치

Ready to go.ああ
I am here.ここにいる
Leave it to me.任せてくれ

캐릭터 페이지로