성교회에 잠입한 어둠 솔론/대사


I am Solon. My research has been tireless...and I draw ever closer to saving the world from those beasts!我が名はソロン。人の世を救うため、研究を重ねておる。地上に巣食う獣たちを使ってな。

You share the form of the beasts, but you may in fact be similar to us. Or, perhaps... Hmm.獣どもと同じ身形のようだが、貴様は我らに近い存在かもしれんな……あるいは……?
This castle reminds me of Garreg Mach... Can you sense it? A power unsuited to this place roils here...
One wonders what might just happen one day...
My experiments at the village went well. It's all coming together... We will see our dreams realized.あの村での実験はうまくいった。必要なものは揃ってきておる……我らの悲願、必ずや……
Whether the beasts quarrel, fight, die, or even live... We care not.獣どもが対立し、戦い、死のうと生きようと…わしらにはどうでもよいのだ。
With an offering prepared, all can be set in motion... But it seems best I simply observe for now.贄が整えば禁呪を用いることも出来ようが…しばらくは様子見が正解のようだな。

친구 방문

So, you are [Summoner]... An ominous star shines on you. Like [Friend]...[召喚師]というのか。[フレンド]と同じく奇妙な星を背負っておるわ……

레벨 업

My name is Solon, the savior of all!我が名はソロン。人の世の救済を望む者。
If you prefer it so, you shall also be added to the ranks of the dead!望むならば加えてやろう。死出の行列にな……!
A pity. Now that I have what I came for, I must bid you farewell.まあよい、成果は十分……帰らせてもらうぞ。


I know not what you have in mind, and I care little, but very well. It is but a trifle.何を考えておるのかは知らぬが、まあ良い。この程度の戯れ、避けることでもなかろう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Fascinating. Truly fascinating. I must offer you my thanks. An opportunity like this is rare.
The Forbidden Spell of Zahras forms a darkness that consumes all, and yet...
What you wield could be considered its antithesis. It steals a sliver of light from the ocean of chaos.
The Askran monument and that light must be twined in a formula...
But I presume you do not yet understand it yourself.
Understanding may come, however, if we join forces... Worry not. Time is of no concern. Not for us...





오의 발동

Beasts! All of you!獣めが
This is the end.ここまでだ
Beg for mercy.地に這え




Heh heh heh...ふふふ…
My name is Solon. I am the true savior of all.わしの名はソロン。真(まこと)なる人の世を救済せんとする者…
What is this foolishness? I have no time to waste on the likes of you...…何を戯れておる。わしは貴様にかかずらっている暇はない。
I was hiding away in Garreg Mach to get the blood of that girl.わしがガルグ=マクに潜んでおったのは小娘の血を手に入れるため…
This is not the end... Thales will carry out our mission, somehow...これで終わりではない。我らの悲願、必ずやタレス様が…!
You are but a savage, insignificant beast.矮小で劣悪な獣ごときが…
The cursed Fell Star... The one I fear...不吉なる凶星…わしはあやつが恐ろしい…
I shall be the judge of whether you, too, are perhaps more than a lowly beast.貴様もただの卑しい獣に過ぎぬかどうか、わしが見定めてやろう…

아군 턴 터치

Have it your way.よかろう
The time has come.時は来た

캐릭터 페이지로