복수의 마도사 소니아/대사


I'm Sonya. I suppose I'm just your average mage-for-hire now. This place seems interesting enough.
I suppose I'll stick around and see what sort of trouble I can get into.

This world's cultures are simply fascinating. If you would allow me to study them, it might aid you too.この世界の文明、とても興味深いわ。私の研究に役立つかもしれない……学べるだけ学ばせてもらうわ。
I used to work for a very unsavory character. And before that, well...it's really none of your business, is it?私は盗賊の頭に雇われていたの。その前は……どうでもいいでしょ。女に過去を聞くなんて野暮よ。
Is there a reason for a noncombatant to be on the battlefield? I can't help but worry for you.戦えないあなたが戦場に行く意味があるのかしら?嫌味じゃないわ、心配してるのよ。
What do you say to a shopping trip? I'll pick out some new clothes for you, from head to toe—it'll be fun!ねえ、今度買い物に行きましょうよ。私が上から下まで見立ててあげる。きっと楽しいわよ?
Might be time for a manicure... My magic always feels its strongest when my hands look their best.爪の手入れをしていたの。指先がきれいだと、なんだか魔法の威力も上がるような気がするのよね。

친구 방문

I carry greetings from [Friend].
You two seem awfully close... I'm a little jealous.

레벨 업

Hmmm... How do you like me now?うふふ……どう、見直した?
Did you expect anything less?こんなものかしら?
Brute force just isn't my style.つまらない結果ね……


Ahhh, how nice... It's like I've been born anew.ふふ……素敵ね。生まれ変わったような気分だわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, [Summoner]. Did you come to see me so I could spoil you? You're just too cute!
Aw, stop squirming—I'm only kidding. I had two older sisters, and they spoiled me rotten.
So can you blame me for teasing you? At least I finally understand why you join us in battle.
It's because you know your presence is a boost to our morale. You really are an exceptional leader.
It's actually charming, in a way...
Seeing your face always puts my mind at ease. Remember to give me a smile now and then, OK?
あら、[召喚師]。私に会いに来たの? 甘えん坊ね……うふふ、冗談よ。


How's this?どう?



오의 발동

Haha ha ha...うふふ…
Naughty child.悪い子ね
Let's have some fun.遊びましょ
Time for a little discipline.おしおきよ




Oh! Seeking attention, are we?なあに……甘えん坊さんね。
Mm-hmm. Lonely, I take it.どうしたの? 寂しいのかしら。
I used to be quite a pest to my sisters. When I was too young to know better.私も昔は、姉たちに甘えてばかりだったわ。
What am I going to do with you?仕方のない子ね。力になってあげる。
It's a shame if a woman doesn't look as powerful as she feels. Don't you agree?女は着飾らないともったいないわ。そうでしょ?
My sisters...long gone...私の姉はもう死んだのよ……
Spending time with you helps me forget some painful things. Thank you.あなたといると楽しいわ。辛いことも忘れちゃうくらい……

아군 턴 터치

All right.いいわよ。
Watch this...見せてあげるわ。

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장

Not bad...やるわね…

오의 발동 - 신장

Burn to ash.灰になりなさい
Shall we turn up the heat?熱くなっちゃったわ
There's no escape.逃がさないわよ
You thought we were equals?敵うと思った?

패배 - 신장

How infuriating...嫌になる…わね…

상태창 - 신장

Thank you for the new clothes. So, what do you think? Ravishing, no?新しい衣装をありがとう。どう? 似合うかしら。
Oh, really now, you've messed up my hair!きゃっ! もう、髪が乱れちゃったじゃない。
I'm always happy to expand my wardrobe. After all, looking good is its own reward.服が増えるのは嬉しいわ。着飾るのって楽しいわよね。
Múspell certainly lives up to its title as the Kingdom of Flame... But the heat is terrible for my skin.ムスペルって炎の王国なの? 熱いのはちょっとねえ…
Not having to lug a weapon around everywhere means I'm free to always look my best.武器を持って戦う訳じゃないもの。飾りがあっても構わないわ。
Genny's bound to get jealous... Could you give her something too?ジェニーがうらやましがっちゃって…あの子にも何かあげてくれない?
You know me so well, don't you? I suppose I'll have try a bit harder, just for you.私のことをよくわかってくれてるのね。お礼に張り切っちゃうから。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

My, what's this?あらそう
Tinder for my flames.燃やしてあげる

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