튀는 프린세스 타나/대사


Nice to meet you. I'm Tana! The ocean is so inviting this summer—are you ready to dive in?はじめまして、わたしはターナ!夏の海はとっても気持ちが良いの。あなたも一緒に遊びましょう!

I'm loving this weather! I know this probably isn't the time for it, but I want to splash around in a spring.うーん、いいお天気!そんな場合ではないのかもしれないけど…泉で水浴びしてきたくなっちゃうわ。
We're supposed to be enjoying the summer, but my brother is so moody.
He's always brooding! I wish he'd just let himself have fun once in a while.
You're not pushing yourself too hard, are you? I'd hate to see you get heatstroke.
Why don't we go relax in the shade? That should cool you down.
ねえ[召喚師]、無理してない? 日差しのせいかしら?一緒に日陰で休みましょう?
I really like this swimsuit. There's nothing formal about it. It's really liberating!この水着、気に入っちゃった。堅苦しくなくて、解放的な気持ちになれるもの。
I put my hair up so it doesn't get in the way when I'm swimming. I'll help you with your hair if you like.泳ぎの邪魔にならないよう、髪をまとめているのよ。あなたの髪も結んであげましょうか?

친구 방문

How nice to meet you! I'm Tana, from Frelia. If you're looking for swim gear, ask [Friend]!はじめまして、フレリアのターナよ。素敵な水着を探しているなら、[フレンド]に頼むと良いわ!

레벨 업

It's thanks to my swimsuit. I'm sure of it!ふふっ、きっとこの水着のおかげね!
There we go!うん、良い感じね!
Oh, no! My strap got tangled...きゃああ!水着の紐が…!


Thanks. It feels like the summer sun is shining down on me.ありがとう。心地良い夏の日差しを感じるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Just look at that sunset. Gorgeous! A beautiful end to another perfect day. It makes me a bit sad...
I'm having so much fun here with everyone that the sunsets are making me a little melancholy.
Right now, I feel like I'm living in a dream...
My days are filled with joy and kindness, spent with my brother and my friends.
We all fought so hard for this peace— Innes, Eirika, Ephraim, and so many others. I treasure each moment.
Don't tell Innes about this conversation. He'd laugh at my naiveté... This is our little secret, OK?
Now... What do you feel like doing tomorrow? The day is wide open!
見て! 綺麗な夕日!もう一日が終わってしまうのね。なんだかちょっとさみしいわ。





오의 발동

Not too hot!暑さに負けない!
Feel the summer sun!夏真っ盛りね
Fighting in style!この水着なら…
I am a swimmer of Frelia!泳ぎたいもの!


Where's the changing room?ちゃんと…着替えないと…


Want to go swimming? Let's go!ねえ、わたしと一緒に泳ぎましょうか?
Hey! Cut it out! What's gotten into you?ひゃっ!? もう、どうしたの急に?
Don't forget to stretch before you go swimming. It's important!泳ぐ前には、こうして身体をほぐしておくの。
Oh, yes. I have gone swimming before. I've been to the sea back at home.わたしの国にも海はあるのよ。泳ぎの経験もあるんだから。
Just floating in the sea...feels so good.海にゆったり浮かぶのって…とっても気持ちいいわ。
It's so silly of Eirika—she was too embarrassed to come along with us. There's absolutely no need to feel that way!エイリークったら、恥ずかしがらずに一緒に泳げばいいのに。
Don't worry about drowning. I'll do my very best to save you!あなたが溺れたら、わたし、いっしょうけんめい介抱するわ。

아군 턴 터치

Working up a sweat!汗かいちゃった
Let's swim!泳ぎましょう

캐릭터 페이지로