하늘을 달리는 왕녀 타나/대사


My name is Tana, and I'm a pegasus knight.
Oh, and I'm also the princess of Frelia. I hope you won't let that get in the way of us being friends, though!

My brother is nobody's fool. But when it comes to Ephraim...well, that's the exception. He sees him as a rival.お兄さまはとっても賢い人だけど、エフラムのことになると意地っ張りなの。ライバルだと思ってるのね。
I left the castle without my father's permission. I wonder if he'll be angry with me...わたしったら、お父様に無断でお城を出てきちゃったの…お父様…怒ってらっしゃるかしら?
How are you doing? Just let me know if you need something. That's what friends are for, right?あなた、大丈夫?困ったときはなんでも言ってね。ふふっ、だってわたしたち友達でしょ?
Come on! Let's get out of here! Show me a good time. After all, taking time out is important—even in war.
If you don't relax now and again, you'll suffer for it.
Outside of training? I spend my time making friends, I suppose...
I just want to meet people who have the same aspirations I do!

친구 방문

Hello, [Summoner]!
Thank you for being such a good friend to [Friend]!

레벨 업

My brother will have no choice but to acknowledge my skill now!これなら、きっとお兄さまも認めてくださるわ!
I wish we could be more like Eirika and Ephraim. Maybe now...エイリークやエフラムみたいになれるかしら?
I can just imagine what my brother would say about this...これじゃあお兄さまに怒られちゃう…


I can hold my head high and fight alongside everyone! Thank you!みんなと肩を並べて戦えるわ!嬉しい…!

5성 40레벨 달성

I had seen so little of the world. But somehow, when I left the castle, I thought I was ready...
But no. Coming here has simply shown me that there is so much that I don't yet understand.
Traveling with you has opened my eyes, though. I am sure of it.
Eirika is my best friend. Of that, I have no doubt. But you've become just as important to me.
I love Eirika, Ephraim, and my brother with all of my heart. And I feel the same about you!





오의 발동

I will help!わたしだって!
This is awful.ひどいわ
You beast!乱暴はやめて!
I am a knight of Frelia!フレリア騎士だもの!


I've long been prepared...覚悟は…できてたもの…


Shall we chat? Yes? Lovely!いっしょにお話しましょう? 良いの? 嬉しい!
Aah! Please don't tease me like that.きゃあっ!? も、もう。からかわないで。
My brother is so cruel. You should hear what he said to me.お兄様ったらひどいの。わたしのこと、子供だって言うのよ。
I'm afraid I haven't been very much help to you.ほんとはね、もっと、あなたのこと助けたいの。
I feel I should apologize. I'm still in training and not quite battle-ready.わたし、まだ未熟で…うまくできなくて、ごめんなさい。
Am I a little bit stronger now? I hope so...わたし、ちょっとだけ強くなれたかな…?
Thank you—truly, thank you—for making an effort to understand how I feel.あなたはわたしの気持ちをわかってくれてる…うれしいわ。

아군 턴 터치

Tell me.わたしに教えて。
All right.お願いね。

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Don't even think you're forgiven!許さないから!
Ready to dream?夢を見せるわ
This'll wake you up!起こしてあげる
You've earned this!おしおきよ!

패배 - 신장

I'm too old for naps...もう…眠る時間ね…

상태창 - 신장

It's me, Tana! Don't I look dreamy in this Ljósálfheimr outfit?わたしはターナ。今日は夢の国アルフの衣装を着てみたの。
Gah! Don't surprise me like that, OK?きゃあっ!? びっくりするじゃない。
These clothes are just like Eirika's...and I couldn't be happier!この衣装、エイリークとおそろいなの! 嬉しいな。
I can't stop thinking about what the realm of dreams must be like. I want to see it for myself!夢の国ってどんなところかしら? 行ってみたいわ。
Isn't this outfit just lovely? Just look at these wings. Look at them!ふふっ、ひらひらしてとってもきれいでしょ? お気に入りなの。
My brother will probably have something to say when he sees me in these clothes...この格好…またお兄様に子供だって言われてしまうかしら?
I hope your dreams are always sweet!あなたにはたくさん幸せな夢を見てほしいわ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I'll do my very best.がんばるわ
This way?こっちかしら
Say goodnight.眠らせてあげる

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