물가의 주술사 사랴/대사
I'm Tharja, a dark mage from Plegia. Why would you bring me to such an annoyingly bright place? | 私はサーリャ…ペレジアの呪術師よ。こんなにまぶしい場所に連れてきて私になにをさせるつもりなの? |
I love the ocean, especially during the summer. Ugh, I thought I could trick myself into not hating this, but nothing seems to be working... | サーリャ、夏の海が大好きなの☆…ダメね、自分を騙して乗り切ろうと思ったけど、どうにもならないわ。 |
So you say my usual garb looks like a swimsuit? Heh. It's designed to amplify my curses, fool. | いつもの格好も水着みたい…ですって?あれは人を呪うための装束。呪力を上げるために必要なものよ。 |
Dark mages live in shadow, so going to the beach in summer is akin to entering a nightmarish hellscape. | もともと呪術師は日陰に生きる存在。夏の海なんて…一番相性が悪いに決まってるじゃない。 |
While they're distracted by my swimsuit, I'll strike with a curse... Hmhm, they'll never see it coming... | 水着に気を取られている間に呪いをかける…。ふふふふ、そういうやり方もあるわね。 |
This accursed sun... Perhaps I'll cast a hex to ensure it never rises again! I'm joking, obviously... | なんて忌々しい太陽なの。二度と昇らないように呪いをかけようかしら。…冗談よ。 |
친구 방문
I bring glad summer tidings from [Friend]... You know I'll curse you into oblivion if you keep staring, right? | [フレンド]から夏の贈り物を預かってきたわ。あまりジロジロ見ると…呪うわよ? |
레벨 업
Not even the beach can weaken my curses. You know that all too well, don't you, Summoner? | 夏の海だろうが私の呪術は力を失うことはない…身をもって経験したでしょ? |
Dark forces, hear my plea... May their feet be caught in endless algae during their next swim... | ふふふふ…泳いでいる途中に足がつる呪いをかけたわ。 |
Ugh, this place is infuriatingly bright... Of course my curses wouldn't work here, you fool. | こんな明るい場所で…呪えるわけがないじゃない… |
Heehee... Surely this will be enough to grab Robin's attention... | ふふふ、ふふふふふ…運命の人も、これで喜んでくれるわ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I was born and raised in Plegia, a desert country, so I never had much interaction with the sea. How surprising that I'm now at the beach and even dressed the part. Fate is truly mysterious... I considered cursing you for dragging me to the ocean, but I suppose I shall let the offense go this time... After all, who is to say that is not the will of fate as well? As it was when Robin and I met. I might even see Robin here, and we must take every opportunity to grow closer... I will cast a spell that makes me shine brighter than the sun! Hmhmhm, my love will have no choice but to stare... | 私が生まれ育った国ペレジアは砂漠の国…。私も海と無縁で生きてきたわ。 だから、水着なんて一生着ないと思ってたけど運命ってわからないものね。 そう、運命なんてわからないもの。私が運命の人と出会ったのも予測不能な巡り合わせ… 私を海なんかに連れ出した[召喚師]を呪ってやろうかとも思ったけど… 今回は勘弁してあげるわ。私の水着姿を、運命の人にも見せてあげられそうだから… ふふふふ…夏の太陽より私がまぶしく見える呪いをあの人にもかけてあげる… |
- | たあ… |
- | 邪魔… |
- | きゃあっ… |
- | やったわね… |
오의 발동
Oh no, a wave... | 溺れなさい… |
Watch that undertow... | 沈めてやる… |
Enjoying the view? | 見るんじゃないわよ… |
Outswim this hex! | 金槌の呪いよ… |
I hate the beach... | だから…嫌なのよ… |
- | はあ… |
This outfit, the "fresh air"... Does it look like I'd be having a good time here? | こんな格好でこんなところに…。嫌がらせのつもり…? |
*gasp* What? Oh...a drink? You can just hand me things normally, you know. | きゃっ…! な、何? 飲み物…? 普通に渡しなさいよ… |
It is said that fashioning a talisman out of these shells will lead to love... It had better work. | 直感を感じた貝殻を持ち歩くと、恋が叶うんですって…うふふふ… |
It's absolutely sweltering! If only there were a curse to freeze over the blasted sun... | それにしても暑いわ…。凍りつく呪いを太陽にかけてやりたい… |
Loves me not, loves me, loves me not, wha— Hmph. Well, at least it looks like this lush foliage will supply me with endless petals. | 好き…嫌い…好き…。ここ、占い用の花には困らないわね… |
The sea breeze actually feels pretty nice... | …知らなかったわ。潮風って気持ちいいのね… |
Perhaps I could spare some time to walk the beach with you—a-after dark, obviously. | 日が落ちてからなら、一緒に浜辺を散歩してあげてもいいわよ… |
아군 턴 터치
Too hot... | 暑いわね… |
Get on with it. | どこに行くのよ… |
Robin? Oh. | ルフレはどこ…? |