음험한 암술사 사랴/대사


You may call me Tharja. I am a dark mage from Plegia. Now, I shall be your shadow...ペレジアの呪術師…サーリャよ…戦争なんてくだらないけれど…貴方になら…ついていってもいいわ…

Sharena and Anna both asked me for my "beauty secrets." My secrets have NOTHING to do with beauty...シャロンやアンナから…スタイルの秘訣を聞かれるのだけれど…特に何もしていないのよね……
I served Plegia until I chose to cast my lot with Ylisse. But you know...
I was truly braided by fate with only one person in my past.
Tired from all that walking around? I could curse you so you can't sleep, if you like.…見回りって疲れない?よければ呪術をかけてあげましょうか…三日三晩寝ずに動ける禁断の術を…!
Ah, er, goodness me! This weather is benign, eh? ...Did that sound normal? Which version of me do you like?えへ☆ サーリャ怒っちゃうぞ☆どうかしら、普通の女の子のふり…貴方はどっちの私が好き…?
I like working on new hexes. So if you talk to me at the wrong time, you might suffer...consequences.新しい呪術の研究をしているの…うかつに話しかけると貴方…鼻水が止まらなくなるわよ…うふふ…

친구 방문

I would have words with you. Now, you must be the one called [Summoner], yes?
Someone close to me has taken an interest in you... Someone named [Friend].

레벨 업

I can feel the darkness growing ever stronger...ふ、ふふふ…うふふふふ…!!
Hee hee hee...ふふふ…強くなったわ…
Who DARED to curse me?!…何かの呪いかしら。


Enhancing MY power? You don't know what's good for you...この力を、私に…?そう…うふふ、嬉しいわ…

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, excellent—it seems my hex to summon you worked immediately.
Yes, that's right. You came here because of a hex—a hex that made you want to talk to me.
I sprinkled powdered lizard on this paper, and you were drawn toward it. ...Hm? The lizard's worn off...
So you came here of your own free will? Surprising, yet...not.
Heehee... I already have someone I'm destined to be with, but you're just as precious to me.




What's the big idea...なにするのよ…

오의 발동

You're already dead.あの世行きよ…
Do you like darkness?遊んであげる…
You won't get away from me.逃がしてあげない…




Did you need something?何か用なの…?
I've taken a real interest in you.私、貴方には興味があるわ…
Last night you turned over 13 times in your sleep. Impressive.貴方…昨夜は13回寝返りをうっていたわね…
I like you, but my true devotion is for a particular tactician...私の愛は一人の軍師に注がれているのよ…
I'll curse all of them. No one will survive.敵なんてみぃんな呪ってやるわ…
I just finished it—an extra-special hex just for you.できたわ…とっておきのおまじない…
Heehee... Too late to regret summoning me now.うふふ…私を呼び出したこと、後悔しても遅いんだから…

아군 턴 터치

Oh. Joy.敵なの…?
What now?面倒ね…

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I am a ljósálfr.私は妖精…
Go to sleep...眠りなさい…
Fall into a dream.夢を見せるわ…
Having fun yet?遊びましょう…?

패배 - 신장

Nightmares upon you!悪夢を…見ればいい…

상태창 - 신장

What exactly do you intend by having me wear such...fluttery garb?何よ、このひらひらした衣装…。こんなの私に着せて、どうするつもり…?
Ugh! You are gravely mistaken if you think this outfit will distract me from cursing you.きゃっ…! …この姿なら呪われないと思ってるなら大間違いよ…
I don't need to become a ljósálfr to give you dreams... That's what hexes are for.夢なんて、妖精にならなくても見せてあげられるけど…呪いの力で…
Ljósálfheimr is home to innocent, lively girls... A world very different than the one I inhabit.アルフの妖精たちって、無邪気で賑やかで…私とは住む世界が違う…
Teehee, I'm a ljósálfr! Sweet dreams for everyone! ...Is that about right?きゃはっ☆ 妖精さんだよ、いい夢見てね☆ …こ、こうかしら…
I can go wherever I want if I'm wearing this outfit, right? I know whose room I'll be investigating later...はっ…、この姿なら、合法的にあの人の寝室に忍び込めるってこと…?
Do I ever appear in your dreams?あなたの見るいい夢に…私は出てくるのかしら…?

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

This will do.そう…
What are you dreaming up?どうするの…?
I shall fly there.飛んでいくわ…

캐릭터 페이지로