질풍의 천마기사 티트/대사


I am Thea, an Ilian pegasus knight. I shall place myself under your command. Orders?私はイリア天馬騎士のティト。これより貴殿の指揮下に入ります。どうぞ、ご命令を。

My sister Shanna has so much potential. If she would just focus, I'd be a lot less worried.妹のシャニーは、とても才能のある子なの。でも、いつまでたっても落ち着きがなくて…そこが直れば、一人前になるんだけど。
Ilia is a desolate, snowbound land...
Many of us take to the mercenary trade just to survive...the men astride horses and the women, pegasi.
If you're indisposed, what will we do? Go on, take a rest. I know my way around a patrol route.見回りなら私が行きます。あなたは休んでいて…指揮官の代わりはいないのだから。
You're ordering me to go shopping? Well, if you say so. Oh, you thought it'd be a nice change of pace? Er...気分転換に、街で買い物を…?そ、それが命令というならお供するけれど…
I'm glad there's plenty of horse feed here. We mercenaries rely on our pegasi, so their food comes first.馬の飼葉に困らないのは助かるわ。天馬は戦場での相棒だから、自分の食べ物以上に気を使うの。

친구 방문

You're [Summoner]? A boon, from [Friend].[召喚師]様、ですね。[フレンド]からの贈り物、どうぞ、お納めください。

레벨 업

I feel as though I could defeat any foe.今ならどんな敵にも勝てる気がするわ。
I must prepare for my next battle. I might face anything.どんな状況にも対応できるよう次の戦いに備えましょう。
If I keep on like this, I'll disgrace the pegasus knights...こんなことでは…イリア天馬騎士の名折れね…


Ah, that's good! I'll show you the strength of Ilia's pegasus knights.ふふっ、ありがとう。イリアの天馬騎士の名に恥じぬようさらなる戦功を上げて見せるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'd like to have a word with you, [Summoner]!
During the last battle, you put me in the rear, on standby! Why?
It doesn't matter if the enemy wields bows. I am a soldier. Where you need me, I go.
I trust you, and I rely on your orders, so, please—trust in me as well.
No matter where the fight takes us, I will be there to intercept any attack. I hope you know you can rely on me.
Well then! That's settled. Leave it to me. I swear on Ilia and on my pride as a mercenary—you will be safe.





오의 발동

Ready your weapon.構えなさい
No matter the enemy!誰が敵だろうと…
It's my battle to fight!戦わなくては
Charge into battle!では、いくわよ!


Juno... Shanna...姉さん…シャニー…


Ilia is cold and destitute. Being a mercenary is the only way to make a living.イリアは雪国で、暮らしは貧しい…だから、傭兵として生きていくしかないの。
What did you say? This is no time for jokes!きゃっ!? …じ、冗談はやめてちょうだい。
"Never go back on a promise once made." This is the pledge of the Knights of Ilia, the mantra I abide by.『交わした契約は裏切らない』…それが、イリアの騎士の誓い。
Ilia is a country of mercenaries, where the bond with a weapon is stronger than any ties to blood.私たちのイリアは傭兵の国…だから、親兄弟が敵に回ることもある…
My sisters and I are all Pegasus Knights. I am the middle child, of course.私には姉と妹が一人ずついるの。みんな、天馬騎士よ。
Shanna...my dear sister. May no harm fall upon you.…シャニー、どうか、無事でいて…
Regardless of what may come...I choose to believe in you.この先何があっても、私は…あなたを信じているわ。

아군 턴 터치

At your command.はい
What's the plan?作戦は?
I believe in this fight.信じるわ

캐릭터 페이지로